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Q: Shipping Puppies to UK ( Answered,   5 Comments )
Subject: Shipping Puppies to UK
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: piggy4me-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 26 Sep 2005 07:39 PDT
Expires: 26 Oct 2005 07:39 PDT
Question ID: 572737
hey...can u please find out the price of shipping puppies to England
from America as well as any documents i need...or prove of buying the
puppy or whatever...anything u could find would be helpful..thanks
Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
Answered By: hummer-ga on 26 Sep 2005 11:24 PDT
Hi again, Hannah!

Ok, Hannah, here is what you would need to do if you decided to import
a puppy into the UK from the US.


Briefly, you will need to hire an Authorized agent to handle the
importation and an Authorized Premises where the puppy will be held
for up to six months (!). Both places listed in Hampshire in the
following link are Authorized Premises and also Authorized Agents. 
The best thing to do would be to find an agent/premises nearest to you
and give them a call, they will be able to answer all of your

Here are two in Hampshire:

Other locations

Q1. Do the quarantine regulations still apply?
A1. Yes.  They  continue to apply to cats and dogs and to animals of
other rabies susceptible species that do not qualify for the Pet
Travel Scheme. These animals will have to spend 6 months in

Quarantine Procedures
Booking a carrying agent
"You will also need to reserve the services of an authorised carrying
agent. The carrying agent will meet your pet at the port or airport of
disembarkation and will be responsible for your pet?s security whilst
in transit to the quarantine premises. The quarantine premises may be
able to provide this service for you."
Getting an import licence
"Most quarantine premises will deal with all the paperwork on your
behalf, including submitting an application form for an import licence
to the UK Government, arranging to collect your pet at the port or
airport of landing and clearance through Customs."
Vaccinations prior to entry to the UK
"We do not require any form of health certificate or vaccinations
before your pet is imported into quarantine in the UK although if you
are importing a cat from Australia or a dog or cat from Malaysia there
are some additional requirements.
Please note that some transport companies may require some form of
health certification before they allow the animal to travel. You
should check this with the transport company before you travel."


Shipping rates will depend on whatever the breeder decides to charge.
Here are two examples, one charges $350 and the other $500. Whatever
the charge, confirm with the breeder that the price includes
everything (container, certificate, etc) and that there will be no
hidden charges.

Dogs For Fun: Arizona
"WHAT ABOUT INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING If you need a puppy shipped outside
of the USA to any Country other then Canada (we can set up Canadian
shipping which is hassle free), you may need to hire an animal
importation Agent. Many nations now require that you hire a third
party within their borders to import an animal. Please check with your
local and national laws and animal import agencies before you purchase
a puppy and ask us to ship it to your Country. Thanks. Air Shipping is
$250 for the USA, Canada and Mexico. International Air Shipping is

The Durham Family Kennel: North Carolina
"We have AKC bloodhounds, chihuahuas, and boxers. Puppies can be
shipped at eight weeks, weather permiting. US shipping costs $250.00
This covers airfare, travel crate, and health certificate.
International shipping usualy runs around $350.00..."


As far as document requirements go, it will depend on the carrier and
the state regulations. Even though the UK won't require a health
certificate, the airline probably will. The breeder will take care of
this (it is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure all
documentation requirements are met).

US Airways: Live Animal Rules
The proper documentation must accompany all animals shipped with US
Airways. It is the shipper's responsibility to comply with all
federal, state and local documentation requirements.
Health Certificate
A health certificate is required for any dog, cat, or non-human
primate, and must be signed by a licensed veterinarian. The following
information must be included:
    * The animal was inspected on a specific date which shall not be
more than 10 days prior to the tender of the animal to US Airways. The
animal appeared to the licensed veterinarian to be free of any
infectious disease or physical abnormality which may endanger the
animal, other animals or the public's health
    * Country and state documentation requirements may include rabies
vaccination certificate and import permit. It is the responsibility of
the shipper to ensure all documentation requirements are met
Acclimation Certificate
A certificate of acclimation is required when the actual or forecasted
temperature at any point of the itinerary, origin, transfer, or
destination is at or below 50F for the following species: Dogs and
Cats, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rabbits, Non-Human Primates, Marine
Mammals, Other Warm-Blooded Mammals. Birds do not require a
certificate of acclimation but may travel with one.
The certificate of acclimation must include:
    * The name and address of the shipper
    * The tag number or tattoo assigned to the animal if applicable
    * A statement by a veterinarian, dated no more than 10 days before
tender to US Airways,  that to the best of his or her knowledge, each
animal in the primary enclosure is acclimated to air temperatures
lower than 50F, but not lower than minimum temperature, specified on
the certificate that the attending veterinarian has determined is
based on the generally accepted temperature standards for the age,
condition and breed of the animal
    * The signature of the veterinarian and the date the certification was signed
 Live Animal Declaration
All dogs and cats must have been offered food and water within 4 hours
of the time the animal is presented to US Airways for shipment. The
live animal declaration, form SS-422, must be completed for dogs, cats
and other warm-blooded live animals regulated by the USDA stating food
and water requirements. The live animal declaration form must be
affixed to the outside of the kennel, based on the feeding and
watering schedule:
    * All dogs and cats must be offered water within 12 hours of the last watering
    * Animals younger than 16 weeks must be fed within 12 hours of the last feeding
    * Animals older than 16 weeks must be fed within 24 hours of the last feeding 
The shipper must provide food for the animal, and the food must be
securely packaged to withstand normal handling and attached to the
 Dogs and Cats
Containers used to transport dogs and cats must meet minimum requirements.
The container must be:
    * Large enough for the animal to sit in a natural position, turn
around, and lie down
    * Equipped with a securely closing door that operates without any special tools
    * Constructed of wood, metal, material of sufficient strength to
withstand normal transportation
    * Free of protrusions or any other potentially harmful surface inside
    * Have ventilation openings on at least three sides
    * Have handholds for ease in lifting
    * Have a solid bottom to prevent leakage
    * If the kennel has wheels, the wheels must be removed, retracted,
or in some other way be made inoperable in order to prevent rolling
    * Constructed to prevent escape of the animal during normal handling
    * Contain clean litter of a suitable absorbent material
    * Have separate containers for food and water, or one container
with separate compartments so that the food and water will not mix
    * Marked with "Live Animal" in letters at least one inch high on
the top and one or more sides of the kennel
    * The number of pets permitted per kennel is as follows (dogs and cats):
       o one dog or cat, 6 months of age or older
       o one puppy or kitten, 8 weeks to 6 months of age, weighing
more than 20 pounds each
       o two puppies or kittens, 8 weeks to 6 months of age that are
of comparable size, weighing 20 pounds or less each
    * Weaned puppies and kittens younger than 8 weeks of age may not be shipped

NWA Cargo Unaccompanied Live Animal Shipping
"Recognized by breeders and regular shippers for our industry-leading
level of service, NWA Cargo provides safe transport for your live
animal shipments in temperature- controlled holds in our aircraft.
This section is aimed to cover all your live animal questions and
provide peace of mind for your precious shipment."
Health Requirements and Documentation:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) regulate the transportation of animals.
These regulations apply to you, the shipper, as well as to all
airlines. It is your responsibility to obtain the proper paperwork for
your pet.
    * To ensure your pet is fit to travel, you must obtain a health
certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian, dated within 10 days
prior to travel.  Click here to access a PDF version of the
Certificate of Acclimation.
    * NWA requires a rabies vaccination certificate, issued by a
licensed veterinarian within 12 months prior to departure, for all
dogs and cats three months of age or older shipped as cargo, luggage,
or VIP.  A licensed veterinarian may document the vaccination on the
health certificate, or on a separate document.
    * If your animal is traveling roundtrip unaccompanied as Cargo, a
health certificate dated ten days prior to travel is required for both
    * Sedatives are strongly discouraged, as their effects at high
altitudes are unpredictable. If your veterinarian decides that
tranquilizers are medically necessary, the name of the drug, the
dosage, and how the drug was administered must be indicated on the
kennel. Northwest personnel will not administer tranquilizers.
    * USDA regulations require that your animal be at least eight (8)
weeks old and fully weaned before traveling.
    * Northwest cannot guarantee acceptance of any animal before it is
seen by airport personnel. Important considerations for acceptance
include health and disposition of the animal. Northwest will not
transport an animal that is violent, ill, or in physical distress."

>>> Additional Link of Interest

Pets Travel Scheme
Flying into the UK via London
What you need to do and when
The six month rule: Your pet may not enter the UK under PETS until six
months have passed from the date that your vet took the blood sample
which led to a successful test result (see below). Once the vet has
signed the PETS certificate and that six month period has passed, the
PETS certificate is valid and your pet may enter the UK.

Fact Sheets

Shipping Your Pet

I was glad to work on this for you and as always, if you have any
questions, please post a clarification request and wait for me to
respond before closing/rating my answer.

Thanks again,

Google Search Terms Used:

shipping puppies u.s uk
uk "authorised premises" uk quarantine cost
importing dogs uk
dogs international shipping
chihuahua breeders international shipping
shipping puppies to london

Request for Answer Clarification by piggy4me-ga on 26 Sep 2005 13:32 PDT
ok..what about if a puppy is 8 weeks old and has all its shots, health
certificate, and microchipped does it still have 2 go into
quarentine??...i just read on one of the web site links and it says
that if a puppy is over 16 weeks old it has to have proof of having
their rabies shot...and i know that the rabies shot is needed to be
able to go into England, and the rabies tita can be used to let an
animal not go into quarentine..but if the puppy is 8 weeks old does
and is 2 young for a rabies and rabies tita shot does it have 2 go
into quarentine??...or if there a way around that??...Hannah :):)

Clarification of Answer by hummer-ga on 26 Sep 2005 14:40 PDT
Hi Hannah,

I thought that you would be able to skip the quarantine at first too,
but there's this little item about the "six month rule". Six months
have to pass after it has had it's blood test before you will be
allowed to take it home. It can spend the six months in the States and
then qualify for the Pets Travel Scheme and miss being quarantined, or
it can spend it in quarantine in the UK.

The 6 month rule for entering or re-entering the UK
"A dog or cat may not enter or re-enter the UK until 6 calendar months
have passed from the date that the blood sample which gave a
satisfactory test result was taken."

Q4. Which animals are subject to the quarantine rules?
A4. Virtually all mammals except farm livestock and horses are
included. Ask one of our local offices, or ring our Helpline, if you
are in doubt.

The best thing to do would be to phone DEFRA to find out if there are
special arrangements for 8 week old puppies. Hopefully, it's not an
automated hotline and a real person is available to help you.
You can get more information about pets and quarantine by contacting Defra:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Area 201
1a Page Street,
Pet Travel Scheme Helpline:
Telephone: +44 (0)870 241 1710
(Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm UK time)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7904 6206
Quarantine section:
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7904 6222
Fax: +44 (0)20 7904 6834

Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
From: bobbie7-ga on 26 Sep 2005 07:42 PDT
Piggy4me-ga is asking you to answer this question.
Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
From: markvmd-ga on 13 Oct 2005 01:16 PDT
The six month rule was recently dropped. Contact the British embassy
nearest you to get updated details.

Puppy and other animal shipping is restricted by the airlines, too.
You will need to coordinate the airline requirements with the UK
Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
From: markvmd-ga on 13 Oct 2005 01:20 PDT
Sorry, I should have said that the six month rule was recently
modified, not dropped. In many cases, it can be avoided.
Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
From: piggy4me-ga on 13 Oct 2005 10:48 PDT
hello...just to make are talking about Quarentine
correct??...if you are then that is very good news...and you have just
brightened up my day :)
Subject: Re: Shipping Puppies to UK
From: hummer-ga on 13 Oct 2005 13:51 PDT
Hi markvmd and piggy4me,

Thank you for taking the time to post your comment, markvmd.

The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Animal
Health & Welfare (the links that I already posted) is responsible for
administering the regulations that concern you. The website is kept
up-to-date with the latest news.

DEFRA Animal Health & Welfare

Q1. Do the quarantine regulations still apply?
A1. Yes.  They  continue to apply to cats and dogs and to animals of
other rabies susceptible species that do not qualify for the Pet
Travel Scheme. These animals will have to spend 6 months in
quarantine. If in doubt, consult our pets Helpline.

You can get more information about pets and quarantine by contacting Defra:


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