What new larder fridges (i.e. without a freezer compartment) are
available (in stock) in the UK for less than £250 incl delivery that
are 55cm to 60cm wide and 105cm to 113cm in height, OTHER than the Lec
L2004W which I know is available in theory for around £206 including
delivery in the UK. Obviously, a recognised brand and 'A' rated
efficiency is preferred, as is a large capacity (the L200G/L2004W have
a 198ltr capacity). The Lec L200G is no longer available according to
Lec. For information, though probably not relevant, I am looking for
an alternative to a Lec L2004W after waiting for two months after
ordering through 'unbeatable.co.uk' for Lec to get them in stock, by
which time the parent company of 'unbeatable' had gone into
administration and I lost my £217 (paid for by debit card rather than
credit card, hence no chance of refund). There are a lot of sites
listing fridges, but none sorting by height at a low enough level of
granularity that I can find to really help. Success with this will be
one or more alternative purchases that meet the
height/width/price/availablity requirements. Thanks! |