Mailing list of Lawson Software customers
I have reviewed samples from Vertexera or Repharm - they were old and inaccurate. |
Clarification of Question by
26 Sep 2005 16:49 PDT
I need to find a mailing list source for Lawson Software customers.
I have reviewed samples from Vertexera and Repharm. Both were dated,
incomplete and inaccurate. I have also communicated with Harte-Hanks.
I have searched through press releases for both companies as well as
done Google searches for user organizations, etc. These were useful
but very limited. Since there are approximately 2500 Lawson Software
customers, I am looking for a single source that can provide me with a
comprehensive and accurate list.
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Sep 2005 17:46 PDT
It's hard to imagine such a list existing, except through Lawson
Software themselves. But it seems rather unlikely that they would be
willing to release a contact list of their customers.
The only option I can see here would be a thorough search for
customers, followed by a scrape of all the email addresses.
It sounds like you have tried this already. How many customers did
you come up with?
If you let us know what you have already, we can perhaps give you a
realistic assessment of how much more information we can add.
Clarification of Question by
26 Sep 2005 18:10 PDT
We now have contact information on 250 customers. We are looking for a
more complete list (about 2500).
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Sep 2005 18:27 PDT
This is a tough one.
The best I can do is construct some searches to try and zero in on
reports of actual uses of Lawson software. You can see the results of
one such effort here:
There are certainly some false positives on the list, but also some
good leads to actual organizations using the software, such as:
Onondaga County Water Authority, Trinity River Authority and the
Milwaukee Metropolitan
Sewerage District will use Lawson solutions
Basin Electric uses Lawson software
State of Michigan uses Lawson Software
Phoenix-based Banner will use Lawson software
FSC will use Lawson software applications
Markel Corporation and Horace Mann Insurance Company both signed contracts with
Lawson Software to ?use Lawson solutions
Restoration Hardware also uses Lawson Software
DBTA: October 2003 Front Page Articles
The company uses Lawson Software
Third-Largest Tennessee County Signs Multi-Million Dollar Contract with Lawson
Cumberland County Completes Multi-Suite Lawson Implementation
NY CPA Firm Launches Outsourcing Product
... The company said it would use Lawson Software
and so on.
You may have some/most/all of these on your list already. But perhaps
there are some new leads you hadn't found yet.
This approach won't turn up a full client list for Lawson...far from
it. But if it seems worthwhile, I can create a few other targeted
searches to see what sort of results turn up. I can't offer any
promises, other than to make a best effort, though.
Let me know what you think.