Dear gwalker_ne8-ga,
I would interpret this as meaning you are not permitted to build a fence.
The word Palisade originally meant a defensive barrier used in
fortifications. It is a row of small tree trunks (called pales)
vertically sunk into the earth to create a barrier. Often it was
constructed as temporary measure until stone walls could be
?pal·i·sade n.
1. A fence of pales forming a defense barrier or fortification.
2. One of the pales of such a fence.
2. palisades A line of lofty steep cliffs, usually along a river.
tr.v. pal·i·sad·ed, pal·i·sad·ing, pal·i·sades
To equip or fortify with palisades or a palisade.?
You can see other descriptions on this link.
This is one type used in the US Civil War
The modern use of the word is a term for a type of fencing. See the
products advertised on these various pages.
Powder Coated Galvanised Steel Palisading
Palisade Fencing
Prestressed palisade system
Palisade Fence Examples
Steel Palisade
The exact design of the palisade could be open to interpretation so I
believe that it is correct to assume that the restriction is intended
to cover any type of fencing, and of course, a castle or
I must point out the disclaimer below regarding legal advice.
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
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