I am having a problem configuring my home page so that it is okay in
Firefox. My site is www.a1agifts.com
What seems very odd is that only the home page tables look big in
Firefox while every other page looks okay. The site looks ok with
Internet Explorer.
For example when viewed in firefox the homepage tables are distorted:
while any other page has the tables ok:
There must be a coding error on the homepage as the top border on both
pages is identical and the tables on the main body are also WIDER when
view in Firefox than Internet Explorer.
Can you supply me with a way to fix the TOP Boreder table and the MAIN
BODY tables that are wider in Firefox? |
Clarification of Question by
29 Sep 2005 09:08 PDT
Hi enf-ga,
Thank you for your reply. If you compare my site on Firefox and
Internet Explorer the top border of my site is much wider in Firefox.
Please see the blue table that says:
All Products About Us FAQ Catalogs Mail Order Form Sell our Products
If you click on any link on my site in Firefox all pages are ok EXCEPT
the home page. The home page looks ok in Internet Explorer but not in
Firefox. While in Firefox, click on any link and that blue table seems
fine. The only problem is with the main home page.
sclonghair-ga, this is a google answers question. There is an html
problem on my site.
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Sep 2005 21:34 PDT
Hi a1agifts,
I found a change that made the page renditions much more similar,
though still not identical. I'm posting it as a request for
clarification so you can try it out and tell me if it seems
acceptable. If so, I will post it as your answer.
The page source for the home page begins with the line
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
The other page I examined did not have this line, but just began with
"<html>". The DOCTYPE line seems to be affecting Firefox's table
layout. You could just delete it from the home page, or try the
following line instead:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Both changes gave Firefox pages that looked more like the Internet
Explorer pages when I tested them.
The DOCTYPE line is a document type declaration. You need one to
conform to the latest standards, but not to make the page work. If
you are interested, I can give you some links to more information
about document type declarations in my answer.
Clarification of Question by
05 Oct 2005 17:21 PDT
Hello --efn,
Thank you for your reply. I tried removing the line you said and replaced it with
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
and I still see the same error with Firefox. There must be an html
error on the homepage as the table is only off on the home page. It's
weird because the top table is shared by every page on my site. Any
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Oct 2005 19:28 PDT
I'll look at it again. Meanwhile, did you try it with no DOCTYPE line at all?
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Oct 2005 20:11 PDT
Hi Angel,
I tried various other changes, but couldn't find anything that made a
difference other than the document type declaration.
It's possible that the change didn't seem to make a difference to you
because you were looked at a cached copy of the old page content. To
avoid this, be sure to tell the browser to reload the page (control-R
in Firefox).
I couldn't find anything else that made a difference in my testing, so
I don't have any other suggestion.