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Can he sense I'm desperate??
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: kittykrazy-ga List Price: $3.00 |
28 Sep 2005 17:47 PDT
Expires: 09 Oct 2005 15:44 PDT Question ID: 574008 |
Its been a week and he still hasn't called...And the more I think about it..I can see why he hasn't...I probably sounded like a lunatic when I left a message apologizing..I was buzzed and sounded silly..explaning that I was wrong to ask that so soon...Do you think I sounded desperate??? Can men sense when your desperate??Also..I find it interesting that he knew the question was coming...Because when I asked him if it was just "sex"..He said"Ohhh there it is" So I guess he sensed I was worried..I was also annoyed because he cancelled a date we had on sunday.... to see the jet game..I'm always paranoid..so I took it as a blow off..I was messing with him a little..But he always seemed to have a great sense of humor and we always would tease or laugh at each other..I'm so damm confused..he seemed into me..and now NOTHING..I really liked him..and I'm blaming myself for this..But as soon as we had sex he wasn't interested in going out..but we still had a great time and talked..laughed and joked..I guess I'm naive..I can't believe he s blowing me off..Was it because I asked the question too soon? Or was the drunken message a turn off? Or maybe he was just looking for one thing..But he soooooooo didn't seem like that.He was so sweet and we had so much in common..Can someone help me understand this.I'm starting to feel cursed in this department..maybe I should wear a muzzle..because every thing I say to these guys is "wrong" I so want to call or text him..but I feel like a jerk..and he probably is blowing me off..I don't want to look even more desperate..but I really want to know what happened..HELP... |
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Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: insolent-ga on 28 Sep 2005 18:29 PDT |
Yes guys can sense desperation. But I think more to the point is that he's trying to communicate to you that he doesn't want to get involved in a relationship with you at this time. You shouldn't beat yourself up so much about was it something YOU did. It's clearly something that he just isn't ready for and he is trying to communicate it through canceling the date etc. If I were you I'd take the hint and move on. You can't force somebody to change their mind. If it's meant to be, he'll be in your life in the end. If not, save yourself from a lot of wondering and heartache and get on with the rest of your life. Did he just use you? Quite frankly it sounds like it, but there's no way to be sure. If he wasn't just using you he'd make sure that you didn't feel that way and address your concerns with more than a "oh there it is". But you said he's a nice guy so maybe you're intuition is right and he just made a mistake in a moment of vulnerability and now he wants to take things much much more cautiously. Does it really matter one way or the other? Either way, it sounds like you are better off not persuing him and should put him behind you. |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: tutuzdad-ga on 28 Sep 2005 19:33 PDT |
I can't answer your question. I was too distracted with curiosity at what two periods between sentences might indicate about someone's personality. Maybe it means that you are (as you suspect) too desperate; I don't know. Seriously, a repetitive use of an elipse like this gives me the impression that there is a lot left unsaid; that your thoughts on the matter are disorganized and you don't even really know the question to ask, much less the answer to hope for. In my opinion all you need is a telephone. Call the dude and ask him yourself. You've got nothing to lose. If he dumps you for quizzing him about his giant ego and expecting him to be open and honest with you, he'll be doing you both a great favor. tutuzdad-ga |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: byrd-ga on 28 Sep 2005 19:41 PDT |
"...as soon as we had sex he wasn't interested in going out..." Yes, exactly. There's your answer, and it's as old as the hills. Nurture a relationship first, then and ONLY then think about having sex, preferably after the wedding ceremony. Get the sex cart before the relationship horse and this is what will continue to happen over and over and over. Period. You already know the answer. So listen to your still, small voice, get over him, and get on with a more sensible way of living. Good luck. |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: steph53-ga on 29 Sep 2005 05:26 PDT |
kittykrazy.... I'm not sure how old you are, but let me tell you, as an experienced "older" woman who has had many "relationships", please, please do NOT call him. Keep whatever self respect you have for yourself and move on. I know its hard, but its the best you can do for yourself. As the old saying goes: "If you love someone let him go. If he comes back, he's yours. If not, he never was". Trust me, Steph53 |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: guillermo-ga on 29 Sep 2005 07:04 PDT |
Bird-ga said: "...as soon as we had sex he wasn't interested in going out..." Yes, exactly. I tend to agree with this, but from a very different perspective. It doesn't matter *when* you have sex in the relationship, but with what expectations you do. Having sex is, in my opinion, like any other aspect in which people get to know each other in a relationship. Do I enjoy talking with this person? Do we share musical taste? Can we enjoy a walk together? Do I like sex with this person? You may have great sex with someone, and yet the other aspects scream go away; or else, have great times for all the rest, and sex being just tasteless, so it would not work either. I profoundly disagree with the idea that sex is something that should be left to the end of a deeper knowledge, or after getting married, because sex is not something that will always be gratifying regardless who your partner is, and has little to do with how the relationship goes in the other aspects. So you meet someone nice and then have sex and find it uninteresting, that's fine, and a good reason to say good by. This can happen to you or to your partner or both, and no one is to blame. Anyone can be a boring sexual partner for one person and the greatest lover for someone else. My wife and I had sex in our second date... almost 19 years ago. And we're still happy sexual partners and have three gorgeous daughters. But before that, we both had other relationships with different people, with whom we tried sex and either it wasn't satisfying enough, or it was great but other aspects didn't work. In our case -we met at work- we both had a nice feeling of each other, sex was one of the first things we discovered we liked together, and in time we learned that we had much more in common and here we are. One thing I do suggest: before going to bed with someone, at least make sure that that someone is a respectful person, and I mean for that, someone you're sure will not aggress you, who will be receptive to what you like and what you don't, and who will agree in taking the necessary precautions to make it the safe way. As to the way you seem you tend to feel, I don't thing it has anything to do with him, how he is or when you decide to have sex. I'd say the problem is how you deal with your own emotions. You shouldn't feel the desperation you talk about, and that is something you can work out. My advice, see a counselor or therapist, that really helps, I've done it every time I needed, for different reasons. My philosophy about it is: your tooth aches, see a dentist; your feelings ache, see a counselor. My two cents. Guillermo |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: myoarin-ga on 29 Sep 2005 15:19 PDT |
Kitty, Why would anyone ever ask that question ("Is this just casual sex?") - except silently to him/herself? It is utterly demeaning to both persons and can only suggest that the person who asked it has a suspicion that the other person feels that it is so. At the same time, the questioner is implying that s/he has casual sex and is so witless as not to recognize the fact him/herself and to recognize if this affair could be more serious. Would you want to start a serious relationship with someone who brought up the subject with these suggestions and implications? Personally, I expect that he was not anticipating that specific question but rather the one hidden behind it: "Do you really love me?" That is also a question that shouldn't be asked. People show their love, express it in words if they want to, and hope and that their partner will recognize and accept it, but it is tactless and often counterproductive to ask if your partner does, again, because it implies that you have an impression that maybe he does not. If you have to ask, if you don't feel certain that he does, then he doesn't - or doesn't at that moment, or does not know himself yet, and he doesn't want to be forced into an explanation - especially to your tactless question. Maybe this guy is different, and I am just projecting my own responses on him, but I doubt it. Guillermo and others - including me - can attest that sex can occur before a couple can truly know each other well enough to recognize that they want to be partners for life. But the relationship is a delicate plant at that point, still putting out roots to give it stability and let it grow. The burning light of such a question can make it wither. One might continue the simile by mentioning that such young plants don't yet have flowers and shouldn't try to reproduce before they do. A final point: men can be perfect conmen in the beginning of an affair (women too, no doubt). I have carefully forgotten the details, but an erstwhile girlfriend once remarked something to the effect: "Yes, that is the way you came on when we met." Ouch! Myoarin |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: claire1205-ga on 02 Oct 2005 12:50 PDT |
Probably. Kitty, this isn't the end of the world. It is like that annoying book....."He's Just Not Into You." Try to move on and find someone better suited to you. I would consider two things. One, if you are looking for an emotional attachment, wait until you are certain of a person's feelings for you before you have sex with them. Two, if you continue to experience excessive anxiety and guilt about this situation seek out a qualified counselor. Everyone makes mistakes in love. Be good to yourself and good luck. |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: kittykrazy-ga on 04 Oct 2005 20:34 PDT |
Tutuzdad, So sorry my writing skills distracted you.I didn't think we get judged on how to write. Guess I have to go back to English class, after I get counseling for being a desperate idiot! |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: kittykrazy-ga on 04 Oct 2005 20:40 PDT |
Thanks to all for your advice and suggestions. Even though my question hasn't been answered( I think I know the answer already.) |
Re: Can he sense I'm desperate??
From: rlarino-ga on 06 Oct 2005 13:51 PDT |
LOL!!! |
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