My wife is trying to locate a particular film, but doesn't have a lot
of details, so this may be tricky. It is not a classic, is in Russian
without subtitles, is not a children's film (but is not 'adult'), and
is set in Russia, Israel and the US. Unfortunately that's all I have
to go on, so if you think you may be able to figure this one out,
please ask for clarification with some suggestions, and I'll run them
by my wife to see if it describes the one she has in mind. Once we
figure out the film, I'll need the Russian title both translated and
transliterated so that we could order it (an online source for
ordering it would be icing on the cake). Thanks, and good luck! |
Clarification of Question by
01 Oct 2005 11:21 PDT
Bobbie, Um...I guess it COULD be "Ya obeshchala, ya uydu", but since
I can't find any information at all about the movie (such as plot
summary) online, it's hard to tell. Could you point me to a synopsis,
review, or plit outline somewhere? Thanks!