I want to open a language camp in an area that is as close to the look
and feel of Seapoint South Africa which is just outside of Capetown. I
want an area with both mountains and lakes (or ocean)..preferably lake
and is within one hour of a major city like Seattle maybe. Camp here
is defined more of an indoor activity with 5 - 10 acres for secondary
outdoor activities.
Q1. What is the most likely city and state to find this type of
surrounding Seattle would be my first choice if your research
supports this. If Seattle is the most likely place,which area would
most likely accomodate such a facility? I'm interested in Victorian,
Romanesque. Tidewater or Tutor in that order of preference.
Q2. What is the average start-up cost for a 60-kid, 3-4 week residential camp?
Q3. Where can I get a sample copy (preferably free sample) of a
residential or language camp business plan?
Q4. I need a detailed summary that includes the following statistics:
What is the number of Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian
(India) Singaporean students travel abroad to study each year?
What is their average length of stay?
What is their average spending cost in studying?
What percentage of them stay in homestays? Average cost? Hotels? Average costs?
What is the average number of students by age and nationality who
attend language camps on foreign soil?
Average cost and length of stay? |