I need help finding a reasonably priced or free group collaboration helper.
Here is the situation: I have a web site with over 1,000 static html
pages. I do NOT want to start serving them dynamically. I *do* want to
bring other people into the editing/maintenance process, but without
giving up control.
The ideal would be something that notified me when there were changes,
and then showed me what the changes were and allowed me to accept or
reject a la MS-Word's revision tracking feature. It would be OK if I
then had to download the changed pages and send them back to the
server before they were "published." All pages are straight html
(admittedly with SSIs and such so the source code has to be
unchanged). I do not want to be locked into a Microsoft solution (in
fact banning Word and FrontPage would be a GOOD thing).
I looked seriously at CVS but it seems very complicated and the
documentation is written for people who have weeks to spend learning
it. I do not have weeks to spend learning a system.
I'm sure there's some groupware resource somewhere I just don't know about...
The system is Linux (CentOS) with PHP 4, MySQL, Perl, and Python. I
can probably install other stuff wtihin reason. Macromedia Contribute
and Adobe's distributed GoLive looked interesting but are expensive
and require lots of modifications. Admittedly I *could* introduce
editable text fields which would be OK as long as there is a
change-tracking-and-approval process. |