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Q: Avg Order Size for Apparel Retailers (online & offline) ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Avg Order Size for Apparel Retailers (online & offline)
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: dpgsom-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 03 Oct 2005 08:54 PDT
Expires: 02 Nov 2005 07:54 PST
Question ID: 575776
I would like to find the avg order size for online and brick and
mortar apparel retailers.  This data must be current - from 2004.

Clarification of Question by dpgsom-ga on 03 Oct 2005 08:55 PDT
Also, this is a timely question.  I need an answer in 7 days.
Subject: Re: Avg Order Size for Apparel Retailers (online & offline)
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 03 Oct 2005 12:57 PDT
Rated:4 out of 5 stars

According to Nielsen//NetRatings MegaView Online Retail report, the
average order size for online apparel retailers is $44.68. The study
also found that for every dollar spent online, the average
Web-to-store shopper spends $1.60 offline at local retailers.
Therefore, the average purchase size at off-line apparel retailers can
be calculated at $71.48.

Relevant excerpts:

Top 15 Online Retail Categories Based on Average Order Size, February 2005

Product Category Average Order Size (US$) 

Computer Hardware 584.47 
Event & Movie Tickets 121.60 
Automotive 119.23 
Office Supplies 102.47 
Consumer Electronics 99.12 
Child/Baby Care 86.13 
Sporting Goods & Outdoor Activities 74.15 
Home & Garden 69.99 
Shoes & Athletic Footwear 53.14 
Flowers, Greetings, & Specialty Gifts 51.61 
Computer Software 46.76 
Jewelry & Watches 46.62 
Health/Wellness/Beauty 45.94 
Apparel & Accessories 44.68 
Toys, Games & Hobbies 40.41 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings MegaView Online Retail, April 2005

?The study found for every dollar spent online, the average
Web-to-store shopper spends $1.60 offline at local retailers.?

Clickz: April 11, 2005

Search terms used: 
"Average  Order Size"  Apparel Retailers
"average transaction OR sale " retail clothing OR apparel
Apparel average sale per customer
average value per receipt 
Average transaction value
" average transaction"  clothing OR apparel retail
Average transaction size

I hope the information provided is helpful!

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by dpgsom-ga on 04 Oct 2005 00:28 PDT
The $1.60 offline to online ratio does not necessarily apply equally
among all product categories (ie apparel and electronics).  I would
like a specific metric for offline average order size, that is
specific to the apparel industry.

Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 04 Oct 2005 06:26 PDT
Thank you for your clarification. I will do further research and get
back to you as soon as possible.

Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 04 Oct 2005 15:38 PDT
Dear Dpgsom,

I have been researching your question for most of the day and I've
only been able to locate not so recent figures. I found recent numbers
for specific stores as well.

?For every dollar spent on apparel online, consumers who visited
online apparel sites spent $2.92 purchasing apparel from catalogs or
bricks and mortar stores.?

Harvard Business School:Working Knowledge
April 15, 2002

Dollars Spent Offline for Every Dollar Spent Online by category

Category: Clothing/Apparel 
Q2 2000  $1.92 
Q1 2000   $2.53 
Q4 2000   $2.92 
E-commerce Guide: October 12, 2000

Customers spend an average of $80 per visit,4621,310561-3,00.html

Coldwater Creek
Coldwater Creek?s average apparel purchase is $100 in the retail channel.

The average shopper at Kmart spends about $38 per visit,

Here?s an outdated figure from 1995

?The average purchase in most retail apparel stores is just $50?

I hope this helps!


Request for Answer Clarification by dpgsom-ga on 06 Oct 2005 09:48 PDT
Hi Bobbie,

Thanks for your efforts thus far.  I really need an exact Figure like
the one from -- but the data needs to be recent.  I can be a
little more flexible on the date range that would be acceptable.  Any
Industry average order size after 2001 will work.



Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 06 Oct 2005 10:19 PDT
Dear David,

I will continue to search; however I am not very optimistic. I did
over six hours of research on Tuesday. Yesterday I tried to find more
information for over two hours without any luck.  I'll resume my
search and hopefully I will discover more numbers for you.

Thank you for your patience,


Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 06 Oct 2005 15:46 PDT
?The average order size for apparel sites is $81.10?
Source: and BCG, the State of Online Retailing, April 2000.,14179,2642829-1,00.html

According to numbers by Harris Interactive:

For every dollar spent online on apparel 2Q2000, $1.92 was spent offline.
For every dollar spent online on apparel 2Q2000, $2.53 was spent offline.

Using the above figures, the average order size spent on apparel
offline was between $155.71 and $205.18


I did extensive research and unfortunately, I did not find more recent numbers.

In any case I hope these figures are helpful.

Best regards,
dpgsom-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
Hi Bobbie,

Thanks for your efforts.  


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