the best way - as usual - is to be on a major label which takes care
of this for you. since for some reason i cant get your guys' mp3s to
play, i cant tell what style of music youre playing. i used to work at
a real small alternative station, and we pretty much played what we ad
come across and liked. also i do promotion for a major austrian radio
station - like all the other (mainstream) ones i know of, they play
really only what is or has been on the charts. i suppose the material
comes in by label people. there is one alternative station in vienna -
which is a pretty big one, as it is part of austrias broadcasting
company - that does play a lot of newcomer stuff and even sent-in
music if it proves to be good and matching their program. url:
i do have some connections to various promo people in - mainly - the
german speaking part of europe, for mostly alternative (anything from
hardcore to punk, emo, singer/songwriter, indie,...) stuff. let me
know if i can be of any help.
i hope i could help.
sid |