Dear Quinner,
I focused in my answer on the UK, because each European country has
its own arrangements.
There are such support facilities in the UK, whether as part of a
hospital rehabilitation ward, or as part of a residential care
facility. However, I would suggest, first and foremost, to get in
touch with the council and with a case worker, because usually there
are council residential care facilities that could help. Moreover,
"Access to residential care is via the Community Mental Health Team.
Unless you have earnings or saving of over ?16,000 the placement will
be paid for by the Local Authority and if necessary the Health
Authority." (SOURCE: The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,
"Accommodation and homelessness",
Also consult the hospital: For example, "Camden PCT employs two
full-time Homeless Patients Co-ordinators (HPCs) as part of the
Primary Care for Homeless People team. They provide a dedicated
specialist service to effectively discharge homeless patients admitted
to UCLH, recognising legal obligations to
provide a safe discharge, linking patients into community services and
attempting to minimise delayed discharges. " (SOURCE: Homelessness and
Information Sheet, <>;
this sheet also includes other projects of care for homeless people
discharged from hospitals, and therefore is worth looking into).
St. Mungo in London operates "eleven high support projects, where
staffing levels are higher and where permanent accommodation is
offered to men and women with severe physical and mental health needs.
Five of these projects are registered care homes.
The high support projects are in Brent, Camden and Islington and
Westminster. Seven are exclusively for people who are mentally ill;
the other four are for people with a variety of needs.
There are over 200 beds, all in single rooms, and residents are placed
there often through social services using community care funding or by
other agencies." (SOURCE: St. Mungo,
Contact St. Mungo:
St Mungo's Main Office
Atlantic House
1-3 Rockley Road
Shepherd's Bush
London W14 0DJ
Tel: 020 8740 9968
Fax: 020 8600 3079
Also in London, Wytham Hall Recovery Unit offers accommodation for
"Single homeless people who require medical intervention, including
those being discharged from hospital. Accept those with mental health,
drug/alcohol and physical health problems eg tuberculosis, skin
infections, hepatitis and frostbite." (See for more information:
London Homeless, <>).
Wytham Hall Recovery Unit
117 Sutherland Avenue
W9 2QJ
Phone 020 7289 1978
Fax 020 7266 1518
Combat Stress "[...] manages three Nursing Resources for Homeless
Ex-Service Personnel in London Homes for treatment, rehabilitation and
respite care, situated in Leatherhead (Surrey), Newport (Shropshire)
and Hollybush (Scotland).
Telephone: 01372 841600
Web Site: <>
Keychange Charity: 020 7633 0533, email, is a
Christian charity that provides residential care for homeless people
in Exeter and Reigate.
Here are several further organisations that provide support and might
point you to such facilities:
Homeless Link
Citizen Advice
A list of homeless care facilities throughout the UK (Excel document)
Older Homelessness - A list of care facilities for elderly homeless people
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. Search terms:
"nursing home" discharged hospital homeless site:uk, site:uk "homeless
people" "discharged * hospital", site:uk hospital provide discharged
accommodation homeless, " rough sleeper", site:uk hospital discharged
accommodation homeless, site:uk hospital discharged facility homeless,
site:uk hospital discharged homeless, site:uk homeless "discharge"
aftercare, site:uk homeless "discharge" aftrecare, site:uk homeless "
post-discharge", site:uk homeless discharged hospital care,
"residential care" homeless site:uk,,
, site:uk "Respite Care" homeless,,, Wytham Hall Recovery Unit ,,, "residential care" homeless
released site:uk, "nursing facility" homeless released site:uk,
"nursing facility" homeless released, "nursing facility" , "drop in
centre" release hospital, site:uk "step down" homeless, site:uk
hoptel, site:uk homeless after release hospital, site:uk homeless
"nursing home", |