Firstly, just seeking a clarification. You mean the number of contacts
that can be saved in phone and NOT in SIM. If it's SIM storage that
you are looking for, it depends upon the memory of your SIM card.
16K - 125 phone numbers with names
32K - 250 phone numbers with names
and so on
Assuming, we are talking about contacts storage in phones. In this
scenario again, there are 2 kind of phones
a. leverage Shared Memory of Contacts.
b. with Dedicated emomry of Contacts
*Shared Memory* - You can save as many as your phone has shared memory
storage. Even in worst case scenrario you can easily store more than
500 contacts with phone numbers, email, house number, address etc.
It's like complete diary.
I have seen shared memories from 4MB(Nokia Ngage) to 80 MB (Sony Ericson P990)
*Dedicated memory* - Majority (may be 70% market share) of cellphones
can accomodate 250 to 1000 phonebook entries.
Almost 380 phones carries the capability of accomodating 250 entries.
Almost 158 phones carries the capability of accomodating 500 entries.
Almost 148 phones carries the capability of accomodating 1000 entries.
A quick google search will help you establish this fact.
Almost 7 out of 10 phones are capable of letting the users add
anywhere between 250 to 1000 contacts wth some low end phones
providing less and some high end phones providing more.
If this satisfies your expectations, can i post this as answer?
If you have some question, do let me know.
Navjot Singh |