What is the web address, in Thailand, of board certified doctors, in
24 medical specialty boards?. . . for people looking for good
doctors, who can and cannot afford the high medical costs in the U.S.,
as mentioned in medicalcountries.org? The language could be in Thai or
English, (hopefully both languages) as some professionals in Thailand
speak English. Each listed web address should provide lists of
individual board certified physicians. If you cannot match this
request, what is the closest you can come to it. Talk to me? |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Oct 2005 22:37 PDT
Dear Ed777,
The Medical Council of Thailand appears to be similar to the American
Board of Medical Specialties.
The Medical Council of Thailand provides a Doctor Search box, to
locate a physician.
(Note that the above web address ends with the words ?search doctor?)
The Medical Council of Thailand also provides a large list of specialties here:
Click on the specialty to see the list of physicians for each specialty.
(The name of the specialty is written in English)
I do not know the language so I cannot be certain; however it appears
that this is what you?re looking for. Can you or someone else confirm
I did not find anything useful in English.
Please let me know if the above links serve your purpose.
Thank you.
Clarification of Question by
07 Oct 2005 10:45 PDT
Will you take the same advice Bobbie7 gave me and use the language
translation tools provided by Google and Alta Vista. I have not had
much success with them but, as you are more experienced, you may
answer your own question which is: Do the given links provide lists of
qualified doctor in Thailand so that patients can have some faith, and
check further with other sources?
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Oct 2005 10:48 PDT
Dear Ed777,
I tried the language translator tools and it appears that the links
that I offered are indeed lists of physicians.
As I said, I cannot be 100% sure because I don't understand, read or
speak the language.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Clarification of Question by
07 Oct 2005 11:20 PDT
Pretrend that I am your Son, and you love me. You want your Son to get
helpful material. What, if anything, can you do to determine what you
are offering is lists of doctors and will help your loved Son check to
see if the doctor he is considering have training? Thanks, your Loved,
hopefully, pretend SON.
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Oct 2005 11:25 PDT
Dear Ed777, (pretend son)
I will get back to you as soon as possible with an update.
Request for Question Clarification by
07 Oct 2005 11:44 PDT
Hello again Ed777,
I sent out a few emails and I will let you know as soon as I receive a reply.
Thank you.