Women in the 35-54 year old age group actually have the highest rate
of internet penetration of any age group -- male or female -- in the
How's that for positive disposition!
'Penetration' means the proportion of a given group that have access
to the internet from home.
For the US, women in the 35-54 age group achieved a penetration rate
of 81.7% in 2004, the highest rate of any group among females or
The figures, and some additional details, can be seen here:
Three-Quarters of Americans Have Access from Home
...Internet penetration in U.S. households has reached nearly 75
percent, rising roughly 9 percentage points in a year,
Nielsen//NetRatings reported in its newly-released Enumeration Study
...According to the gender analysis of the study, 34.6 million women
in the 35 to 54 age range accessed the Internet from home, making them
the power users.
...women have surpassed men by roughly 2 million, and their dominance
is being noticed online
...The study defined Internet access penetration as the percent of
people who have access to the Internet at home
Group Penetration
Females 35-54 ..........81.7%
Males 35-54 ............80.2%
Females 25-34 ..........77.0%
Males 25-34 ............75.6%
All 2-17 ...............77.6%
All 18-24 ..............75.0%
All 55+ ................63.4%
Total ..................74.9%
Women are also suprisingly heavy users of interactive online games,
especially women in the 40+ year old category, according to this
Girl Gamers Grow Up
...Research from America Online (AOL) has found that females over 40
years old spend the most time per week playing online games at 9.1
hours, which accounts for 41 percent of their connection time.
Comparatively, teens spend 7.4 hours per week playing games, while
females under 40 log 6.2 hours.
...a significant portion of 40-something women used gaming almost
daily as a way to relieve stress, increase skill levels and inspire
social interaction. While only 22 percent of teens admitted to playing
games every day, 41 percent of 40-something women were daily gamers.
...more 40-something women logged on to play before work, late night
(midnight to 2am), and the middle of the night (2am to 5am) than any
other market segments that
...Word and puzzle games were most popular with the women over 40,
with 49 percent preferring them over casino (27 percent), arcade (16
percent), trivia (7 percent), and sports (1 percent) games.
...The 40-something women were also more likely to take their online
gaming friendships offline at 21 percent.
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