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Q: Annual sales of bread-making machines in the US ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Annual sales of bread-making machines in the US
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: paladinmed-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 08 Oct 2005 06:04 PDT
Expires: 07 Nov 2005 05:04 PST
Question ID: 577860
We would like information on the number of units sold per year of
Bread-making machines in the US.

Ideally, we would like the total number of units sold (across all
manufacturers), but if this is not readily available, it would be OK
to provide the annual units sold of the top 5 bread-making
machines---preferably, broken out by individual machine.
Subject: Re: Annual sales of bread-making machines in the US
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 08 Oct 2005 13:37 PDT
Rated:4 out of 5 stars

According to, an estimated 5 million machines are sold
in the U.S. every year.


?The number of bread machines has risen from fewer than one million in
the US in 1990 to over 30 million in 2003, with around 5 million sold
annually. The corresponding figure in the UK is over 500,000 sold


According to Glenna Vance, president of the Bread Machine Association,
about 20 million bread machines are in American homes, and 25 to 27
percent of homes in the United States have them.

Loafing around  By Tricia Moss
Times-News:  January 2001,+president+of+the+Bread+Machine+Association,+about+20+million+bread+machines&hl=en


Over 20 million bread machines are now in American homes, making
quality bread easy to bake.

Mount Terra



Channels of Distribution

Dept. stores:             21%
Mass merchants and clubs: 54%
Specialty stores:         14%
Other:                    11%

Dept. stores:             21%
Mass merchants and clubs: 54%
Specialty stores:         14%
Other:                    11%

Retail Sales (in millions)
2003:     $125.10
2002:     $139.00
% Change: -10.0%

HFN : The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishings Network. New York
Oct 11, 2004
Title: No Small Change; Manufacturers In The Category Are Altering The
Way They Do Business

Read the full article with a Free Trial of HighBeam Research


I hope the information provided is helpful!

Search terms used:
Bread-maker sales units million
?million Bread makers 
?million bread machines? sales  +units

Best Regards,
paladinmed-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Thanks for quick help with this!

Subject: Re: Annual sales of bread-making machines in the US
From: bobbie7-ga on 10 Oct 2005 07:36 PDT
Thank you for the tip!

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