I'm glad to hear my number estimates/guesstimates work for your needs.
Here are the numbers again, along with their sources:
From the US Census Bureau, we have the following:
Food Services and Drinking Places: 2002
2002 Economic Census
Table 1. Summary Statistics
Food services and drinking places..........504,430
Fullservice restaurants....................195,492
Table 3. Product Lines by Kind of Business
Fullservice restaurants
Alcoholic drinks served at the establishment........128,196
Distilled spirits....................................86,677
And from some published articles of the National Restaurant Association, we have:
[a dollar threshhold for 'fine-dining']
Restaurants USA magazine
Fullservice Steams Ahead
...Fine-dining establishments with per-person check sizes of more than
$30 also enjoyed a period of unprecedented growth throughout the 1990s
[and, a number of fine-dining restaurants in the US]
Restaurants USA magazine
"Our target market is the 40,000 restaurants that fit in the
fine-dining classification, take reservations and have more than $1.5
million in revenue per year."
So, back to the guesstimations.
Assuming that one-third of the 40,000 fine-dining restaurants are the
more-expensive gourmet restaurants, then there are 40,000 / 3 = 13,333
gourmet restaurants in the country.
This amounts to:
13,333 / 504,430 = 2.6% of the nation's restaurants are gourmet restaurants, and
13,333 / 195,492 = 6.8% of the nation's full-service restaurants are
gourmet restaurants.
13,333 / 86,677 = 15.4% of the full-service restuarants serving liquor
are gourmet restaurants
I trust this information fully answers your question.
But please don't rate this answer until you have everything you need.
If there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know by posting
a Request for Clarification, and I'm at your service.
And with that, I'm calling it a day...
search strategy -- Used bookmarked sites for the Census Bureau and for
the National Restaurant Association, along with Google searches on:
[ fine-dining restaurants ]
[ "gourmet restaurants" ]
[ "2100..100000 fine-dining" ] |