I am a math TA/RA and my professor wants me to redo his research
group's webpage. Part of this is to implement a database for managing
the publications that members of his group have published (details
below). As he wants this done by next Thursday (Oct. 13) and I am very
busy myself and have no prior database experience and no time to
learn, I decided to try this service out on recommendation from a
For the implementation, the members of the research group would each
maintain an HTML page of their own publications, in a typical citation
format with the fields: Author(s), Title, Journal, Volume#, Editor(s),
Publisher, Year, Pages, PS File, PS Size, PDF File, PDF Size, Topic.
The only required fields are Author(s), Title, and Year, maybe Topic.
The exact format is up to me, but it is important that a specific
format is set so that when the professors later populate their
individual publications pages, the database will be able to parse the
data to add it (this should happen automatically, say, weekly?). Once
the data is in the database, there should be some sort of a web
interface so that visitors to the webpage will be able to do things
such as sort the publications descending by year, sort ascending by
title, display all papers by a particular author, display all papers
that contain a certain word in the title, or display all papers
concerning a certain topic.
The challenge here is that I know almost nothing about databases. I
have some vague ideas but I do not even know the details of how I
would run anything. I think the web server is Apache running on
Solaris, the database should be mySQL, and use PHP interface. The
Researcher should provide me with everything needed to do what I have
described (including files), and detailed instructions on where to put
the files, how to run any scripts, etc. I don't know what format the
database would be in or how it would work, and I assume the webpage
would have PHP pages containing SQL queries to the database. On
Thursday I want to be able to show my professor a sample page
demonstrating the functionality that a visitor to the research group's
webpage would have, with the only thing left to do being collecting
the pages of papers from the individual professors.
I do not have a web server myself (I assume it'll run on the math
dept's server) and in fact I only have a Windows box at home. I have
SSH access to scratch space on my professor's Solaris office computer
with group privileges. I am pretty proficient with computers for a
layman; I know basic HTML and could edit PHP or SQL files in an editor
such as Emacs if told what to do, but I do not actually know any PHP
or SQL myself.
I think I included everything I meant to say. Many thanks to whoever
takes this question on! |