Request for Question Clarification by
18 Oct 2005 16:45 PDT
Never mind what your Internet Service Provider (ISP) tells you.
You need to test from your PC. So go to Start -> Run, type in
ipconfig /all and see if an IP Address is listed, as well as a
couple of DNS Servers and a Default Gateway. If an address for
the Default Gateway is given, ping that address by typing in
the command prompt window:
...where the Xs are the numbers of your Default Gateway address.
If the results are all less than 10ms (milliseconds), you have
a good connection. Next, try pinging a powerful server, such as
If the results are good, you are connected and your network
should report bytes sent, since they are being sent and received.
The next thing is to open your browser and connect to a strong
site such as Google. If you can open Google's homepage, again,
bytes are being sent and received, whether your network says
this is the case or not.
Let me know where this takes you...