Dear stanzola-ga,
It appears that "alaiyhis salaam" is more often spelt ?alayhis salaam?.
The term means God's peace be with him. It is also defined on some
site as peace be upon him.
Answering Islam web site -
?...Shortform for Alayhis - salaam meaning (God's) peace be with him.
Alayhas - salaam : peace be with her. Commonly found in Muslim
writings after mentioning the name of a prophet other than Muhammad,
e.g. Ibrahim (AS).?
?The following quotation is taken from a Shia glossary of Islamic terms:
A.S. refers to 'Alayhis-salaam, (God's) peace be with him. It is said
after the names of all previous prophets, their mothers (e.g. Bibi
Maryam [Mary] A.S.), the twelve divine Imams from the household of
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Bibi Fatima (A.S.). It will change to
'Alayhas-salaam (peace be with her) if it follows a lady's name. After
any two names we say 'Alayhimas-salaam and after more than two names
or when referring a group of people we say 'Alayhimus-salaam. Thus, we
say Imams Hasan and Husayn (A.S.='alayhimas-salaam) and the Ahul-Bayt
Also confirmed on The Islamic Glossary -
Connecticut Council of Masajid -
"'alayhis-salaam / 'alayhas-salaam / 'alayhimas-salaam /
'alayhimu-salaam - 'Peace be upon him / her / both of them / all of
them.' Read after the names of the prophets, angels, and certain pious
women. Again, a practice derived from the Qur'an and traditions of the
You will see from the Google results that the first spelling is used
in exactly the same way as the latter spelling.
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
alaiyhis salaam
"alayhis salaam" means
Glossary alayhis
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