4 songs for a total of 104.2MB means they average about 26MB each.
There is no email service that I know of that allows for such
large attachments, at least for free.
I have to deal with large music files myself, sometimes. The
simplest solution I've found is a free service called YouSendIt.
You don't even need to create an account or provide your own
email address to use it. Just upload the file(s) you want to
send and put in the recipient's email address. You can specify
multiple email addresses separated by commas. Once you've
sent it, you'll also be taken to a page with a link which
you can email to other people, if you like. The file will
stay available for download for 7 days or 25 downloads,
whichever comes first. Filesize can be up to 1GB!!!
Also notice that it's on a secure server:
Problem solved!
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by way of a dialog
established through the "Request for Clarification" process.
sublime1-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
11 Oct 2005 17:42 PDT
Thank you for your reply sublime1. Can you tell me how I would upload
the music files? I have never uploaded files before. Also, I would
like to know how to compress the music files for my own knowledge in
case I ever wanted to do that. Thanks,
Clarification of Answer by
11 Oct 2005 20:26 PDT
To upload your music to the YouSendIt site, just go to their
homepage and click on the Browse button. This may or may not
initiate the download of a small application which allows
you to browse your system with an Explorer-like interface
(I don't remember). A lot of sites use this type of application
to allow you to upload a file. Or, it may just open a dialog
window without downloading anything.
Either way, just browse to the location of the files you want
to upload and double-click on them, or select them and say
Okay, or Open, and the upload should start automatically.
The easiest way to compress a file or files is to use WinZIP,
though, if you have Windows XP, I understand it now includes
a zipping utility as part of the Windows Explorer interface.
In either case, you should be able to access the function by
right-clicking on the file(s) you want to compress.
All of that may be moot, however. Few people bother to zip
MP3 files, since they are pretty well compressed to begin
with. a 5.5MB MP3 file, zipped, will still be about 5.4MB,
so compressing them to squeeze under an email attachment
limit isn't really an option for files such as you described.
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Oct 2005 15:31 PDT
Greetings Sublime,
I had computer problems and was offline for a minute. I have another
question. The MAC that my music files are on doesn't have Internet
access so what I did was after I made an MP3 file in ProTools, I
copied that MP3 file on to a disk and I uploaded that disk on my PC
and sent that file to yousendit.com and I sent the MP3 to another
computer in my house to test it first to see if the file would play. I
received the file okay but when I click on the file, it brings up my
MATCHBOX media player which is my default player and the file is not
in the menu and that's where I'm stuck presently. I have other files
in Matchbox that play fine. Do you know why the file would not be
showing up? Thx
Clarification of Answer by
25 Oct 2005 20:13 PDT
Your latest question is beyond the scope and price of the original
question, and you'd probably be better off posting a new one, since
I don't own a copy of MusicMatch or a Mac, for that matter. I'd
suggest trying another mp3 player to check out the file, or, instead
of just clicking on it, open the MusicMatch program and use the File
-> Open dialog to navigate to the file and open it.
It's not impossible that, with all the copying and moving of the
file, it became corrupted by way of a faulty copy, upload or download.