I am looking for a video that I have used in my Consumer Behavior and
Marketing classes for almost a decade now. Thisis an educational
video about the making of Food Commercials and deals with all types of
"fake food" such as:
- putting marbles in the bottom of a bowl of soup to make the soup look chunkier
- how a bowl of corn flakes in a commercial were comprised of hand
picked cornflakes that were selected carefully by conveyor belt
- how food sculptures are used in commercials
I have two leads for how this video could be retrieved.
1) This video came along with a textbook by Phillip Kotler,
Introduction to Marketing (Prentice-Hall) in the early-90's. I don't
know exactly which edition it was.
2) The video was initially taken from an investigatory news show such
as 20/20 or NBC Dateline.
The price set on this question doesn't include me receiving the actual
video obviously, but instead only requires a reliable source to
purchase this video from. If you need any clarification with my
question please ask. |
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Oct 2005 10:34 PDT
Are one of these the film you are looking for? (or will they suffice?)
Iwasaki Images of America
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Oct 2005 02:36 PDT
Perhaps knowing which university you took the Consumer Behavior and
Marketing classes at would help.
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Oct 2005 03:23 PDT
Hello dmckechnie-ga,
I know I?ve seen the TV program you?re describing. It was fascinating
how the food stylists achieved the wanted effects.
It seems that many of Philip Kotler?s textbooks come with accompanying
videos or DVD?s but the descriptions are not complete enough to be
able to tell whether they cover the topic you?re interested in.
Further searching led me to a set of videos aimed at grade school
children that seems to cover the material you?re looking for on food
advertising tricks. Please take a look at these links and see if these
videos will meet your needs.
Buy Me That! Complete Set?The Kid's Survival Guide to TV Advertising-VHS
By HBO and Consumer Reports
This original program in a 3-video series is a best-seller and
multi-award winner! Lively host Jim Fyfe pulls back the curtain on the
tricks advertisers use in TV commercials -- editing ?only the good
parts,? talking too fast, adding props that aren?t included with the
toy, animating toys to make them talk - and more! Each of the 10
segments stands alone or use the complete tape with parents,
grandparents or teachers:
Food Advertising Tricks
I look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
13 Oct 2005 13:19 PDT
Hi all, sorry for the delay of my response... i have been very busy as
of late. Unfortunately these videos are not really what I was looking
for. I have an entire lesson plan based around the specifics of this
one video, and I really need the exact one.
I would definitely recognize the video if it were found, so if the
question is still out there for anyone that can answer it.
For the researchers who have already tried to find the video, thank
you so much for your time, I really appreciate it.