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Q: Google ranking "" ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   4 Comments )
Subject: Google ranking ""
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: shlovies-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 23 Aug 2002 13:45 PDT
Expires: 22 Sep 2002 13:45 PDT
Question ID: 57909
My inquiry pertains to the following premises and results I found. 

For some reason, when I put my submitted page into the google toolbar
and look at the "backward links", I am told there are none for my page
, . Since it is my understanding  that
google basis their search results on "the popularity of links" that
are linking to the page in question ,I am under the impression that if
I don't change something that is wrong, I won't even be close to
ranking even somewhat high with google.

What am I doing wrong that my page that has been submitted for several
months and is not in even the first 20 PAGES of results on a search of
" escort + san diego " ?

Please look at the page in question ( www.thesandiegoescort )before
you give me an answer. I am aware of the basics and would like a
specific answer.

Thanks so much for your time!

Meagan Lee
Subject: Re: Google ranking ""
Answered By: robertskelton-ga on 24 Aug 2002 22:25 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi Meagan,

I have presumed that you submitted your site the proper way, by using:

It appears that Google is having difficulty navigating your site. The
page Google sees at is not that same
as what you or I see - the page uses frames, and the text we see on
the page actually comes from your page escort_001.htm.

Google's listing of your site only has the text found in the META
Description tag when it last visited:

"The San Diego Escorts a favorite of independent san diego escorts
available for incall and outcall escorts services in San Diego"

...and no text from the page itself, unlike most sites indexed by

Although Google can navigate frames, it can have difficulty with
frames generated using JavaScript, as your site does. Your site is
quite simple, and does not require frames to achieve the current

There are two ways of getting all of your pages fully indexed &
listed, and a better ranking at Google:


Simply submit escort_001.htm or escort_002.htm (use the full URL) to
Google and the Googlebot will find the other pages and index them. The
downside to this is that the page that comes up first in the search
results is uncertain, whereas you would want it to be escort_001.htm
for the age warning.


Recreate the site without frames. Rename escort_001.htm as index.htm,
so that this is the page most likely to come up first in search

I'd also get rid of all the code that identifies which browser is
being used (the days of coding for individual browsers are all but
over) and ditch the fancy scrolling text - it was making my browser
(IE 6.0) do funny things!


At Search Engine World there is a spider simulator tool:

which is very good for showing what most search engines see from the
URL you enter. These are what it found for each page:
Title: escort  
Description: The San Diego Escort is a favorite of independent san
diego escorts.
Links: none
Text: none
Title: SanDiegoEscort  
Description: The San Diego Escort is a favorite of independent san
diego escorts.
AND CONDITIONS: I understand that by entering this site , I am
explicitly stating that: I am over 18 years of age, and am voluntarily
accessing adult material. I take full responsibility for the results
of my decision to "enter" this site , You are also explicity stating
you are not a law enforcement official nor are you an agent for any
AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. EXIT R E V I E W S Check out my reviews on
TheEroticReview! " TARGET=_parent> ENTER A true GFE, my
professionalism and down to earth style have made me one of the top
independent San Diego escorts. My web site provides a gallery, links
to my reviews, details for setting up an appointment with me and
information and links on where to find other San Diego escorts. Meagan
Independent Escort SanDiego Lee The San Diego Escort Beginning August
23rd, I will be unavailable to new clients for several weeks or until
further notice. Please check back after the first week in September.
Thank you and my apologies for any inconvenience, Meagan Lee
Title: Home  
Decription: The San Diego Escort is a favorite of independent san
diego escorts.
Home Links Appointments Gallery Donations 5' 1 1 " - 1 3 7 lbs. 3 4 D
- 2 6 - 3 6 L o n g - l e g s - g o r g e o u s - s m i l e B r o w n
- h a i r - & - b l u e - e y e s I'm a 27 year old college student in
San Diego who enjoys golf running, biking and snow skiing.As a curious
individual interested in a little of everything, I enjoy listening and
learning of others experiences. My demeanor can be best described as
down to earth and easy going. I prefer spending time with those
gentlemen over 30 who appreciate a true GFE (girlfriend experience).
It is my hope our time with one another won't soon be forgotten. eagan
M ee L (619) 993-1198 L

[ NOTE: The simulator doesn't necessarily show exactly what the
Googlebot sees when it visits your website, but it's the best estimate


Research Strategy:
Personal experience

I trust this answers your question. If any portion of my answer is
unclear, please ask for clarification.

Best wishes,
shlovies-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Roberttskelton-ga did a fantastic job answering my web positioning
question. I will definately use google again to answer my questions! I
was also lucky to have another answer in my comments and would give
him ( webadept-ga ) five stars as well! Thanks you guys for doing such
a great job.

Subject: Re: Google ranking ""
From: webadept-ga on 25 Aug 2002 00:58 PDT
Hi Megan,  Just wanted to add somethings to the great answer you got.
Using the tool  robertskelton-ga
gave you will save a lot of time and give you a really good view of
what your page looks like to the robots. I wrote up this answer, and
waited for the lock to come off, but it looks like I missed the chance
to applie it, but don't want to waste the work, so you get two answers
for the cost of one. :-)

While backward links are good, they are not the only criteria that
needs to be looked at. For instance you can look at and
see that this page has no backward links and no keywords. Page
formatting and content are probably the highest criteria currently
used by Google and other search engines, and this is where your main
problem lies in the listing area.

You are using frames on the pages of your site, though I can't figure
out why. Your page design doesn't require them at all. Frame pages are
difficult for robots to get through and index correctly. If not
changed you could drop from the Google radar completely, so I would
suggest getting this fixed as soon as possible. For more information
on this you can look at this page.


Another thing I noticed about your site is that it is very slow, even
on my high-speed connection, the rendering of it takes well over a
minute. This is caused by the frames and several of the odd things you
got going on in there. Slow pages lead to very little traffic and a
bottom listing on the search engines.

Also your page has very little to offer a robot for indexing purposes.
Keywords are not enough, in fact the Google bot ignores them most of
the time. Having very little on your site in the content area tells
the bot that this site has very little to offer the world. There are
several fixes for this, but few will work until the frame problem is
taken care of, again, looking at you will see this page
has no keywords at all and still sports a page rank of 2, not bad for
a website that's not updated very often, and no one knows about.

Your front page is basically a Doorway Page, meaning that it stops the
user, gives little content and produces a single link inside. These
are also warned about in the webmaster page I linked before.

You have inside, a page of banner links, and these don't do much for
you in the way of page ranking, since they are high on the profile of
things to ignore. I doubt that the robots are getting that far as it
is, with the frames, but when you get those fixed, add some links to
other sites which are not banner adds and put some content in there
about each one. The more content the better.

Your internal links are not working very well either, several are
broken or don't work correctly. Really you page is just not very robot
friendly, and I'm surprised it is listed on Google at all. Since it is
however, you have a time period here to fix it. Most likely what is
saving you is your submissions to dmoz and google itself.

There are many things you could do with your website that could really
get it higher on the listings. Making it a blog site, adding a
personal diary, a calendar of San Diego events, content content
content is the name of the game with any website. Not just for
listing, but once someone has been to your site, to book mark it or
possibly link to from theirs.

Suggested actions :

If I were to take this page on as a project here is what I would do.

1) rip out the pages, all the frames and animated text. 
2) recreate the pages using a content base and using  css as a means
of formatting rather than what the frames are trying to accomplish
3) put in a robots.txt 
4) fix all the links
5) add external links to other sites, and add content to each of those
6) add more content in the form of a personal diary page, something
that could be easily updated by you, and something that would draw
attention to the site itself.
7) Add more content to the front page, keeping the basic reason it is
there, but adding other links to more "tame" pages that are not
"inside" but on the same site. This will take some thinking but it
would help your page rank greatly.
8) after all this is done, resubmit the site to google, dmoz ,
alltheweb and AltaVista
9) change the title of the page from escorts to San Diego Escorts.
Page titles are important, yours is too vauge.


Subject: Re: Google ranking ""
From: shlovies-ga on 25 Aug 2002 23:04 PDT
Thank you roberskelton for your specific and helpful answer.

I was also happy to find a second answer that was also very helpful,
thanks webadept!

Webadept, could you clarify several parts of your "what I would do"
recommendations for me?  Specifically, #'s 3,5,7 .

#3. Do you mean put a robots.txt meta tag? I wasn't sure of this. 

#5. How do I add "content" to external links? and what type of

#7 By "tame" and not inside the web page, what do you mean? Maybe an
example would help to clarify.

#9. I originally did name the page san diego escorts, though I was
researching the subject and was "warned" not to make page title too
long.  Thanks for clearing that up.

Thanks webadept also, for answering my question so well and providing
the links links and outside examples etc.

You have been a lot of help .. both of you!

Subject: Re: Google ranking ""
From: webadept-ga on 26 Aug 2002 20:48 PDT
Hi Again, Just checking back to see what kind of rating you gave
Robert for his great answer and here is a question for me, how fun :-)
I'll try to clear this up for you.

#3. Do you mean put a robots.txt meta tag? I wasn't sure of this.  

Make a text file called robots.txt, use notepad to do this, not word.
You might be able to use your html editor, but it needs to be a basic
text file. Inside it you want to add one line, at the top that says:

User-agent: *

That's it. Save the file and put in on your website under the home
directory, where you index.html file is located. This tells web robots
that it is okay to search your page. After you get done, test it by
going to

If you don't see it or it comes up with more than want is on that one
line, then you need to try again, and use a basic text editor.

There is a meta tag method of doing this but using the file is a much
better option. More and more the meta tags are being ignored these
days. Thier original use is so .. mis-used, that search engines have
developed other means of getting the information from pages.

#5. How do I add "content" to external links? and what type of

By this I mean something like the page on

Use that format, The link, with a title, and a small paragraph
explaining the link. This gives the spiders something to chew on, as
shown by Robert's tool. Very good tool that.
#7 By "tame" and not inside the web page, what do you mean? Maybe an
example would help to clarify.

Obviously, from what is written on your front page, you don't want
certain people, or visitors going inside without agreeing to
something. That is fine, and in many cases a good thing. What I am
suggesting is to not use this type of page for your front page, link
to that area from the front page.

Make your front page and a few other pages something that you feel
anyone would be able to see. Then on those few front pages, put a link
to the area you have now. This does two things for you, one, it adds
content to your site, letting the spiders chew on something, and two
it gets rid of that doorway page you got there now, which is a problem
as I explained earlier. Its find to have a doorway, just don't put it
on the front page.

There are site called BLOG sites, which are really personal diaries of
a web page type. This would be very good for your site. Add a page
that has a list of your favorite places in San Diego. Write a little
about why you like them. Make a page of local events that interest
you. Make a page about ... make pages about the things that make you..
you. If you like a painting, get a image of it and write something up
on it, add it too your page. The more content the better.

 #9. I originally did name the page san diego escorts, though I was
researching the subject and was "warned" not to make page title too
long.  Thanks for clearing that up.

I don't know who told you that. There's nothing wrong with putting San
Diego Escorts in the title. In fact I would say to put this : -- San Diego Escorts

Other titles could be -- About Me -- San Diego Events -- San Diego Music -- My Diary -- My Town -- .. you get the picture. 

I hope this clears things up for you and I'm glad we could help you
out. Have a great day and good luck with getting your website fixed

Subject: Re: Google ranking ""
From: webadept-ga on 26 Aug 2002 20:57 PDT
Oh, for the future when you come back to see us again, putting
comments in here is good, but we are not notified when you do this,
really it was by pure chance that I happened by to check this question
out. So, if you do put a question down here for someone who has
commented on your question or the answer you got, don't be
disappointed if you get no reply, .. that person may simply not know
you ever asked the question.

Your researcher, in this case  robertskelton-ga, will get an email and
a notice in the researcher area that you have asked for clarification.
So as your researcher, we will always get back to you as soon as we

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