I would like to launch a site for a very specific subject. I would
like it to be a platform for ppl to express them self like a huge
public Blog. Each user who would like to tell his story will open an
account and will submit his opinion/personal story regarding this
subject. It sounds like a forum, but I would like it to have a look of
a blog, where many ppl can contribute as opposed to a regular blog
where there is only one contributer. I would also like to have the
possibility that ppl will submit their comments on others stories.
As I see it there might be two suitable solutions for my problem:
1. A Blog platform provider, which has something like a public blog,
and can answer my request.
2. Maybe sign up as an affiliate to one of the Blog platform providers
and offer ppl to open blogs under my site with the back-end of a third
I would appreciate if someone can direct me to provider, or offer me a
different solution.
Thanks, |