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Peak in worldwide oil production
Category: Science Asked by: alyx-ga List Price: $50.00 |
14 Oct 2005 07:19 PDT
Expires: 13 Nov 2005 06:19 PST Question ID: 580221 |
I have been doing some research on timelines for peaks in worldwide oil production. I am interested in scientific opinions on this matter. We are frequently exposed to economists giving their opinions and I wanted a geological perspective. So, my question is, what is an estimated date of a peak in oil production worldwide. My information shows that US and Argentina have already peaked in their production. It also seems that the increase in energy usage in the developing world (China & India) has skewed the projections from just a few years ago. I am not interested in information about burgeoning technological advances that will make crude oil obsolete. I have that information coming out of my ears. However, if any one would like to provide opinions on how the oil production peak will impact our society, I would be interested. | |
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Re: Peak in worldwide oil production
Answered By: wonko-ga on 17 Oct 2005 13:08 PDT |
There are a wide variety of views on this issue, ranging from a likelihood that we have already reached peak oil production to a belief that such a peak is well off in the future. Two widely published experts on this issue are Matthew Simmons of Simmons & Co. International and Daniel Yergin of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. An summary and comparison of their views can be found in: "Debate brews: has oil production peaked?" By David J. Lynch, USA Today (October 16, 2005) http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/2005-10-16-oil-1a-cover-usat_x.htm. In his book, "Twilight in the Desert," Mr. Simmons puts forth the view that Saudi Arabia is on the verge of a sizable decrease in oil production, meaning that peak oil production has either been reached or as near at hand. There are a number of references describing his views, as well as publications of his materials: "All Pumped Out" by Stanley Reed, Business Week (August 1, 2005) http://www.businessweek.com/@@ep5oy4UQUqphDg0A/magazine/content/05_31/b3945131.htm "The Real Oil Shock" by Matthew Simmons, Time (October 2005) http://www.time.com/time/globalbusiness/article/0,9171,1106299,00.html "Depletion and Peak Oil: A Serious Issue or an over Exaggerated Fear?" By Matthew Simmons (July 25, 2005) http://www.simmonsco-intl.com/files/Capitol%20Hill%20-%20Depletion%20&%20Peak%20oil%20B&W.pdf. He includes four graphs of estimates for production for four major oil fields. Mr. Yergin's believes that peak oil production will not be reached until at least 2010. His views have also received significant coverage: "Oil & Liquids Capacity to Outstrip Demand Until At Least 2010: New CERA Report" Cambridge Energy Research Associates (June 21, 2005) http://www.cera.com/news/details/1,2318,7453,00.html. A multimedia conference call about this report can be found at: http://www.placeware.com/cc/cera/view?id=K1336277&pw=7BFZGB. "It's Not the End of the Oil Age" by Daniel Yergin, Washington Post (July 31, 2005) http://www.cera.com/news/details/1,2318,7533,00.html "Approaching Empty" CBS News (September 11, 2005) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/09/sunday/main832526.shtml "Energy leaders search for crude solutions" by John W. Schoen, MSNBC (September 19, 2005) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9390380/page/1/ For additional material on peak oil production, you can also visit the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas at http://www.peakoil.net/. This web site has links to many articles and reports discussing the issue, some of which make predictions. For example, "A French government report on the global oil industry forecasts a possible peak in world production as early as 2013." Sincerely, Wonko Search terms: Peak oil production |
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Re: Peak in worldwide oil production
From: brix24-ga on 14 Oct 2005 14:43 PDT |
A book by David Goodstein, a physicist at Cal Tech, was reviewed in the New York Times on Februrary 8, 2004. Here is a quote from that review that gives the peak as being within this decade or, if things go well, within the decade after that: "It has already happened in the United States. In 1956, Marion King Hubbert, a geophysicist with the Shell Oil Company, predicted that oil production in the United States would peak sometime around 1970. His superiors at Shell dismissed the prediction, as did most others in the oil business. But he was right. Hubbert's peak occurred within a few years of when he said it would, and American oil production has been declining ever since. There was no crisis, because this country tapped the world's reserves, and the supply increased along with demand. Now Goodstein and many others have shown that the same methods, when applied to global oil production and resources, predict a Hubbert's peak in world oil supplies within this decade, or, in the best-case scenarios, sometime in the next. Once that happens, the world supply of oil will begin to decline gradually, even though large quantities of oil will remain in the ground. The world demand for oil will continue to increase. The gap between supply and demand will grow. But this time the gap will be real; there will be no other source of oil (from the moon, Neptune or Pluto?) to flow into the system." The site for this review is: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/08/books/review/08RAEBURT.html?ex=1129435200&en=eb2087cc3bfbad52&ei=5070 Note: there is no line break between the "?" and the following "ex" in the URL of the web site. This break may or may not appear in this posted comment; the break does appear to be in this comment before posting. |
Re: Peak in worldwide oil production
From: frde-ga on 15 Oct 2005 03:47 PDT |
An alternative approach would be to look at the historical sizes of 'known reserves' With a few notable exceptions, oil companies are conservative in their estimates of 'known reserves'. Also increases in oil prices trigger more exploration and brings in sub marginal fields. There is a time lag, but while individual fields 'peak' globally the 'peak' tends to get pushed further into the future. I'm slightly puzzled why heating shale should be energy intensive, it is not as if the heat is being let off into the atmosphere, heat can be 'recycled'. |
Re: Peak in worldwide oil production
From: qed100-ga on 19 Oct 2005 08:01 PDT |
"I'm slightly puzzled why heating shale should be energy intensive, it is not as if the heat is being let off into the atmosphere, heat can be 'recycled'." Well- heat can be "recycled" only in the sense that it can be "less wasted". In other words, a process which uses heat might be carefully made as efficient as possible. But in thermodynamics it cannot be made 100% efficient; some of the heat will always be leaking out into the larger envronment. |
Re: Peak in worldwide oil production
From: kathy2202-ga on 27 Oct 2005 14:42 PDT |
I have also done research on a wide varity of related issues. The most notable and frequently quoted sources of information come out of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. Another informative and easily read avenue is, Thom Hartmann's book "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight". Also, In "Time's" October 31, 2005 issue, the article "How to Kick the Oil Habit" by Michael D. Lemonick. |
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