Hello! This doesn't seem like an easy fix from what I've attempted, but here goes:
I'm running MS XP Professional SP2 on an AMD Sempron 2200+ with a 1.57
GHz CPU, 480 MB.
Every time MS AntiSpyware runs, an "update" box opens, the particular
program doesn't run (until I repeatedly cancel the MS configuration
utility) and my OS trys to configure Office Pro 2003. This isn't
directly associated with only MS Spyware because this "installer"
opens when I've run other programs too (haven't associated them all) -
there seems to be some sort of registry issue involved, from my
layman's point of view.
Then, an installation box pops up and says, "Installation Error: File
not Found - A required installation file SKU011.CAB could not be
found" I have the option of browsing for it there and I have exhausted
everywhere (the .MSI files & more on my pc, forums online, search for
the file online and extract to the "proper" ? directory etc. etc.)
I don't want to wipe out my OS and clean reinstall and I don't have
the original installation disc (guy who built my pc is tough
(impossible) to get a hold of). Through the forums and postings/stuff
I've read online it seems that the original disc wouldn't help anyhow.
I've been to MS update site and read the tech notes and they seem
purposefully vague. I tried to do what they said also and tried to
update, but no luck.
Please contact me if you need any more specific information in order
to help you solve this. I do need a thorough solution to this question
- please don't accept if you can't resolve this completely for me.
Please help!!
Thanks |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Nov 2005 19:10 PST
As commented below, this is because the MS Office cache got deleted.
It would be easy to fix if you had an MS Office disk.
If the solution below doesn't work, you could disable the Windows
installer from running as a workaround. If you want to know how to do
that, let me know.
Clarification of Question by
06 Nov 2005 08:31 PST
I tried the registry edit suggestion, which didn't work and preventing
MS Install from running altogether?? I don't know about that one -
doesn't really sound like a solution to me. Anything else? I know the
disc would probably be best, but I've also heard that the disc doesn't
solve the problem either from forums I've searched and other
"suggestions" I've heard people use. Thanks for the effort guys, but
as I stated I need a solid fix, please.
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Nov 2005 11:31 PST
Sorry, don't have anything else. I had the same problem and just
disabled the installer. It's only the Windows installer that is
launched when you're adding new features to Windows rather than
program installers, so you don't really use it often. It's easy to
switch it back on when it's needed anyways.
Clarification of Question by
10 Nov 2005 13:22 PST
Oh, ok - if that's the case, then I'll do that one!! :-) Providing,
like you say, it's only the window's installer for new Widows items.
If you would be so kind as to give me the rundown, I would highly
appreciate it! Thanks, Lou