Let's say that:
T = Total time it takes from when the canoeist first sees the log
until they both reach the canoeist's original starting point.
C = Rate of the current in miles per hour
R = Rate that the canoeist paddles in miles per hour
X = Distance in miles that the canoeist travels upstream in the one
hour after he sees the log
Distance=Rate*Time, so:
2 = C * T because the log (floating at the rate of the current) travels 2 miles.
If 2 = C * T, rearranging T = 2/C
Now, T also is equal to the time it takes for the canoeist to travel
upstream distance X and then back downstream distance X and then the
final 2 miles.
The canoeist's upstream rate is R-C (because the current is working
against him). The canoeist's downstream rate is R+C (because he's
going with the flow).
Distance=Rate*Time and Time=Distance/Rate.
So: X/(R-C) is the time it takes for the canoeist to travel upstream distance X;
X/(R+C) is the time it takes for the canoeist to go back downstream
distance X; 2/(R+C) is the time it takes for the canoeist to go
downstream the final 2 miles.
T = X/(R-C) + X/(R+C) + 2/(R+C)
Now, we're told that the time it takes for the canoeist to travel
upstream distance X is one hour, so X/(R-C) = 1.
X/(R-C) = 1
Or: X = R-C
Now, getting back to:
T = X/(R-C) + X/(R+C) + 2/(R+C)
T = 1 + (R-C)/(R+C) + 2/(R+C)
T = 1 + (R-C+2)/(R+C)
Since 1=(R+C)/(R+C)...
T = (R+C)/(R+C) + (R-C+2)/(R+C)
T = (R+C+R-C+2)/(R+C)
T = (2R+2)/(R+C)
Now, remember from the beginning that T also equals 2/C because the
log travels the 2 miles in T time, so...
T = (2R+2)/(R+C)
2/C = (2R+2)/(R+C); cross-multiplying, we see that:
C(2R+2) = 2(R+C); or
2CR+2C = 2R+2C;
Subtracting 2C from each side, we see that:
2CR = 2R; Dividing each side by 2R, we finally see that:
Thus, the speed of the current is 1 mile per hour.
A solution similar to this, as well as an alternate solution are on
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