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Q: Hospital in Toronto and GTA ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Hospital in Toronto and GTA
Category: Health
Asked by: clio_pasta-ga
List Price: $35.00
Posted: 14 Oct 2005 23:17 PDT
Expires: 13 Nov 2005 22:17 PST
Question ID: 580527
I would like to know a list of hospitals and hospital's campus in
Toronto and GTA area along with the number of population. Thank you.

Clarification of Question by clio_pasta-ga on 14 Oct 2005 23:28 PDT
Hello, I mean Toronto (Ontario, Canada), GTA means (Great Toronto
Area). Please feel ask me if my question is not clear. Thank you.

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 14 Oct 2005 23:36 PDT
What do you mean by "hospital's campus"? 



Clarification of Question by clio_pasta-ga on 15 Oct 2005 07:34 PDT
Hi, sometimes hospital has its own campus for edcuation purpose.
Please go to the site below.
SunnyBrook is one of the big hospital in Toronto area and has 2-3
locations, I would like to know the population on each of them. Thank
Subject: Re: Hospital in Toronto and GTA
Answered By: rainbow-ga on 15 Oct 2005 08:07 PDT
Hi clio_pasta,

The following are the hospitals, with their websites, located in
Toronto and The Greater Toronto Area:

Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care

Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre

Bridgepoint Health

Casey House

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Credit Valley Hospital


Halton Healthcare Services

Headwaters Health Care Centre

Hospital for Sick Children

Humber River Regional Hospital

Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital

King's Health Centre

Lakeridge Health

Markham Stouffville Hospital/Toronto Grace Health

Mount Sinai Hospital

North York Branson Hospital

North York General Hospital

Northumberland Health Care Centre

Orthopaedic and Arthritic Hospital

Princess Margaret Hospital

Providence Healthcare

Rouge Valley Health System (includes Centenary Hospital, Ajax Hospital
and Pickering Hospital)

The Royal Victoria Hospital of Barrie

Runnymede Chronic Care Hospital

Saint Michael's Hospital

St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital

St. Joseph's Health Centre

The Scarborough Hospital (includes Scarborough Grace Hospital and
Scarborough General Hospital)

Shouldice Hospital

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre

Toronto East General Hospital

Toronto General Hospital

Toronto Grace Hospital

Toronto Rehab

Toronto Western Hospital

Trillium Health Centre

University Health Network

Wellness Centre at York University

West Park General Hospital

Whitby Mental Health Centre

William Osler Health Centre

York Central Hospital

Sources of Reference: 


Ontario Hospital Association

Toronto - Health Care

GTA Rehab Network

Health Toronto

I hope the information provided is helpful.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by clio_pasta-ga on 15 Oct 2005 15:38 PDT
Hi Rainbow,

Please Reasearch the population of each hospital as requested, this is
the key point of my question. I have difficulty on finding out this
info since those hospitals webinfo will not easily tell us how many
people work there, max patient they can take.

Thank you

Best Regards,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 15 Oct 2005 15:57 PDT
Hi clio_pasta,

I will need a few of days to research this and possibly send out some
emails. I hope this is not inconvenient for you.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by clio_pasta-ga on 15 Oct 2005 18:11 PDT
Hi Rainbow,

It is fine and I appreciate your help. Since some hospitals have  2-3
branches and it is not easy to tell. Anyways, I am looking forward to
hear your good news. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 18 Oct 2005 12:49 PDT
Hi clio_pasta,

The following are the responses I have received so far:

Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care

Employees: 1867 (as of 10/17/2005)
Number of beds in Baycrest Hospital: 300


Hospital for Sick Children

This year's annual report has not yet been released, but I can provide
you with our 2003-2004 numbers.

As of 2003-2004:

Number employees: ~ 5200
Average daily census (# beds available to patients/day): 265

Please note that our average daily census number reflects the number
of inpatients only.  In addtion to our inpatient stats, we provide the

Operating room cases: 11,655
Outpatient visits:
      Clinic visits: 154,246
      Medical day care visits: 18,397
      Diagnostic visits: 115,830
Emergency visits: 43,202

If you require additional information, please refer to our Web site, where you can find an electronic version of our
annual report.

Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital

At Joseph Brant, we have 1400 full and part time employees; we have 285


Lakeridge Health

Lakeridge Health is one of the largest hospital systems in Ontario,
with four hospitals located east of Toronto in Bowmanville, Oshawa,
Port Perry and Whitby. Our vision is to work together with health
partners to promote health and deliver excellence in care to more than
500,000 people in both our rural and urban communities.

At present, Lakeridge Health is capiable of handling 500 patients
across our 4 hospital locations and we have 3000 employees and 1600


Mount Sinai Hospital  

Hospital Staffing
Full time 2,171 
Part time/casual 1,051 
Medical/dental staff 810 
Research Institute staff 719 
Undergraduate and postgraduate medical students 335 
Auxiliary members 1,400 
Volunteers 849

Beds in service 472


North York General Hospital

Approved Beds 434 
Total Full Time Employees 1,769 
Total Part Time Employees 1,268 


Providence Healthcare

We have approximately 1100 employees and 347 hospital beds.


Rouge Valley Health System (includes Centenary Hospital, Ajax Hospital
and Pickering Hospital)

Rouge Valley Health System consists of five community health sites,
including two hospitals - Rouge Valley Centenary, located in east
Scarborough, with 366 beds, and Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering,
located in Ajax, with 144 beds. Together more than 300 general
practitioners, 180 specialist physicians, 1,200 registered nurses,
plus many other professionals, provide care for a full range of health
problems, from paediatric to geriatric care. Both hospitals have
round-the-clock emergency

We have a total of 3,000 employees.


The Royal Victoria Hospital of Barrie

Royal Victoria Hospital of Barrie currently has 297 inpatient beds.
There are 880 full-time staff, 659 part-time staff, and 482 casual
staff for a total of 2,021 employees.


Toronto Grace Hospital 

The Toronto Grace Hospital has 288 full time, part-time, and casual
employees and 119 beds.


Trillium Health Centre

Trillium's two-site model facilitates the delivery of comprehensive
services for both inpatient and ambulatory care.  Its 500-bed acute
care Mississauga Site features a 24-hour Emergency Care Centre, a
Family Care Centre dedicated to women's and children's health needs,
one of the largest birthing centres in the region and the largest
concentration of critical care services in a non-teaching hospital in
Canada.  A new seven-story wing, slated for completion in 2006, will
house additional 135 acute and rehabilitation beds, expanded cardiac
services, a learning centre and associated support functions.

Trillium Health Centre is supported by 3760 employees, 630 physicians
and 1800 volunteers.

As soon as I receive more replies, I will post the information here for you.

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 21 Oct 2005 23:12 PDT
Shouldice Hospital

Shouldice Hospital has 150 employees and 89 semi private, licensed,
acute care hospital beds.



Request for Answer Clarification by clio_pasta-ga on 31 Oct 2005 09:44 PST
Hi Rainbow

Thank you for the last mail you given. Below are the most significant
for me since they are huge hospital in Great Toronto Area.

**In addition, please catch more "big" hospitals in list and I am
willing to offer good tips on it.

**Beside, please feel free to further discss with me and please let me
know is there any issue when requesting data from them, I am willing
to give a hand on it (it won't affect anything regarding on tips

Toronto General Hospital
Princess Margret Hospital (alone)
Toronto Western Hospital
Women's College Health Science Centre
Saint Michael's Hospital 
The Salvation Army Scarborough Grace Hospital 
Scarborough General Hospital

Thank you

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 01 Nov 2005 13:22 PST
Hi clio_pasta,

I have not yet heard from the remaining hospitals. I will contact them
again and let you know of any further responses.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by clio_pasta-ga on 05 Nov 2005 08:12 PST
Hi Rainbow,

It looks like there isn't any site from the gov will provide this kind
of information under your search. Instead of the internet, do you
familiar any place will offer this kind of information in Toronto?
Btw, do you live in Toronto?


Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 05 Nov 2005 08:51 PST
Hi clio_pasta,

Unfortunately, as I am not familiar with Toronto, I do not know of any
other place that will offer this kind of information.

If you believe the work that I have provided does not suffice as an
answer to your question, I will ask the editors to remove it.

All the best, 

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 08 Nov 2005 14:24 PST
Here is some additional information I was able to locate:

Princess Margaret Hospital 
Beds: 115

Toronto General Hospital 
Beds: 353

Toronto Western Hospital 
Beds: 239

University Health Network 
Total Beds: 707

University Health Network 
Students: 3,210 
Physicians: 1,308
Volunteers: 1,400 

I hope that helps.

Best wishes,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 08 Nov 2005 14:41 PST
Here's more:

Saint Michael's Hospital  

4,804 Staff
  604 Medical staff (including 13 midwives and 12 dentists)
1,464 Nursing staff
  777 Medical residents
  647 Professional students
  216 Medical students
  700 Volunteers (includes Out of the Cold Program and Summer Student Program)
  503 Inpatient beds


Request for Answer Clarification by clio_pasta-ga on 10 Nov 2005 09:34 PST
Dear Rainbow,

I can see your effort on the fact you gave me, just the matter of fact
I would like to asist you a bit on this issue. Great effort Rainbow,
the last detail for this request is essential and is my final
clarifiction for thsi question. Thank you, I'm trully apprecaite!!

Best Regards,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 10 Nov 2005 09:45 PST
Dear clio_pasta,

I'm glad I was able to help you.

All the best,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 10 Nov 2005 13:30 PST
Here's more information I was able to dig up

St. Joseph?s Health Centre 

"St. Joseph?s Health Centre is home to 2,100 employees, 400 physicians
and 250 volunteers."


York Central Hospital

Acute Care 225 
Complex Care & Rehabilitation 85 
Long Term Care 116 
Total Beds 426

Number of Employees 1,739 
Medical/Dental Staff 325


William Osler Health Centre

4 acute care hospitals (1 under construction) 
Currently has 670 beds 
Health care team of 700 physicians, 4,000 health care professionals
and 1,400 dedicated volunteers


West Park Healthcare Centre

Rehabilitation and Complex Continuing Care Bed Complement 279 
Rehabilitation Beds 133 
Complex Continuing Care Beds 146 
Long-term care centre Bed Complement 200 
Number of Active Staff Physicians 14 
Number of Employees 790 
Number of Volunteers 220


Toronto East General Hospital 

"TEGH has 500 beds comprised of acute care, rehabilitation and complex
continuing care beds.
TEGH is supported by our Volunteer Services program, composed of over
500 adult and student volunteers who participate in all areas of the
Hospital, from paediatrics to geriatrics.  Volunteer Services also
operates the Hospital?s tuck and gift shops.
TEGH has 2,400 employees and 400 physicians on staff."


Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre

12,000 staff, physicians, volunteers and students 

Inpatient Acute Activity 
Beds in service: 591

Inpatient Long-term Care/Veterans 
Beds in service: 523 


Southlake Regional Health Centre

Beds in operation: 357
Staff: 2,146
Doctors: 352
Volunteers: 640

St. John's Rehab Hospital 

"Our facility has 160 inpatient beds serving 2,600 patients annually
from across the province."



# of Beds 210
# of Employees 1,349
# of MSH Physicians 114 Active
                    136 Courtesy
# of Uxbridge Physicians 12 Active
                         75 Courtesy
# of Midwives 7


Headwaters Health Care Centre 

108-bed hospital 
600 full and part-time professional and support staff 
Over 300 volunteers


Humber River Regional Hospital

almost 600 beds, 3,000 staff and approximately 700 credentialed physicians


Halton Healthcare Services 

Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 
Part-time, Full-time & Relief 1,609 

Medical Staff  - Active/Associate   
Familily Physicians 96  
Specialists 101 

Adults 555 
Youth Volunteers 106 

Acute Care Beds 219 
Rehabilitation Beds 39 
Complex Continuing Care Beds 22


Milton District Hospital 
Part-time, Full-time & Relief 304

Medical Staff  - Active/Associate   
Familily Physicians 29  
MDH Specialists 9 
Dual Site Specialists 19

Adults 255 
Youth Volunteers 30 

Acute Care Beds 41 
Complex Continuing Care Beds 21 

Best wishes,
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