Following on from politicalguru-ga?s research, I have found reports of
their burial but no mention of the bodies being used for medical
King Louis XVI was buried.
Marie Ann Char. Corday was buried.
I found a report in the Times Newspaper for Nov. 2. 1793 on the
execution of Brissot, and twenty other deputies. They were buried in a
common grave.
Robespierre was buried.
?Robespierre was the next day taken before the tribunal, and without
further trial he was guillotined, face up according to legend, with
Couthon and Saint-Just and nineteen others of his adherents on the
Place de la Révolution on the 10th Thermidor An II (July 28, 1794).
His corpse and head both are buried in the common cemetery of
Errancis, today Place de Goubeaux, and the spot is covered by an
unmarked gravestone.?
Lavoisier was buried.
?He fled from his home and laboratory in August 1792 but was arrested
in the following November and sent for trial by the revolutionary
tribunal in May 1794. At a cursory trial Lavoisier was one of 28
unfortunates sentenced to death. He was guillotined on 8 May 1794 and
buried in a common grave.?
?Standing on the steps of the Madeleine one looks downhill along the
Rue Royale across the Place de la Concorde and the Pont de la Concorde
to the Chambre des Deputes. A church is at the top of the hill and a
parliament at the bottom. But lest too much should be deduced from
this fact, it should be added that the church itself was originally
built by Napoleon as a temple of glory in which the memory of his
victories might be kept alive. Its site was a graveyard, where the
victims of the guillotine were hastily buried. Here were brought,
among others, the bodies of Charlotte Corday and Marie Antoinette, and
it is said that among the records in the Madeleine is an entry by the
sexton : " Paid seven francs for a coffin for the widow Capet."
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