Hello, I have a BEFW11S4 router set up on the second floor
of my apartment. The wireless signal on the first floor is
weak and I would like to boost it. Running CAT5 wires from
second floor to first is inconvenient, so I will not consider
this option. I do not wish to replace the router on the second
floor with a better one that reaches further. I want to find
a device that I can place on the first floor that will boost
the strength of the signal that I already have. Right now the
network is unsecured and I want to leave it that way.
The BEWF11S4 belongs to my friend, so I want to make no or minimal changes
to my existing setup. This means no firmware upgrade (if such option exists).
Currently I can connect wirelessly on the second floor with my laptop running
Windows or Linux. I want my new setup to be OS-independent as well.
In general you do not have to explain how to get wireless to work under Linux
unless my settings are non-standard, e.g. I have to choose a
particular channel, etc. In that case I expect that you have tried
this configuration yourself and it worked for you. Optional
consideration: what if I wanted to have a wired access on the first
floor? (That would eliminate some potential problems with non-Windows
OS). The total amount of money I can spend is less than $100. Also, I
can catch a few of weak signals on the first floor from my neighboors.
I want to make sure that I can filter those out or that they cause no
interference. Thanks |