Hello Dillonthomas,
According to Michael Rosenberg, Autobytel's SVP of marketing and media
services, rates typically run between $50 and $70 CPM for video ads
which start playing without user interaction. User-initiated video
ads cost between $175 and $225 CPM.
?Autobytel has integrated its Flash-based CarTV video player
throughout its car-buying Web sites, which the company touts as a way
to give marketers video advertising opportunities to reach in-market
car buyers?.
?Several auto manufacturers have already signed on to show :30 video
ads -- mostly repurposed TV ads.?
?Ads are sold by segment, such as luxury or sports car segments.?
?Rates for ads on "automatic on" videos, which start playing without
user interaction, typically run between $50 and $70 CPM, said Michael
Rosenberg, Autobytel's SVP of marketing and media services.
User-initiated video ads cost considerably more, between $175 and $225
CPM, he said.?
Clickz: May 12, 2005
Unicast, a pioneer in the online advertising solutions industry states
that video commercials cost around $25-30 per CPM.
?In addition, Unicast believes that the advent of its new "video
commercials" could not only help encourage big-name advertisers to go
online but also help to increase the value of web advertising?
?The company claims that while rich media ads on average cost around
$10-20 on a cost per thousand basis the video commercials cost around
$25-30 for the same rate. In other words an ad viewed a million times
would cost around $25,000. This, claims Savarino, is a comparable cost
with advertising on a US television network to the same number of
television viewers for a 15- to 30-second spot.!?
Dynamic Logic: February 09, 2004
Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff says that advertisers are paying $25 CPM.
??the driving force of the online video market is advertising.?
"The advertising model is extremely simple and very attractive: you
simply put your 30-second commercial in front of the video," said Josh
Bernoff, an analyst with Forrester.?
?Advertisers are paying $25 per thousand users who see their online
commercials, more than they pay for network television, Mr. Bernoff
Source: NY Times
Smaller Video Producers Seek Audiences on Net
October 6, 2005
Jeff Lanctot from Avenue A/Razorfish said advertisers are paying about
$20 to $30 CPMs for 15-second video spots online.
?As the largest independent U.S. online ad agency, Avenue A/Razorfish
has a lot of good data to share in its "2005 Online Media Outlook."
?The agency believes video ads will really take off this year. "I
think 2004 was the year that video [online] was embraced by
consumers," Avenue A's Jeff Lanctot told CBS MarketWatch. "In 2005,
video will be embraced by advertisers." Lanctot said advertisers are
paying about $20 to $30 CPMs for 15-second video spots online, which
is 30 percent less than a TV spot reaching the same number of people.?
OPA Intelligence Report
January 21, 2005
?Advertisers are now paying about $20 to $30 a CPM for a 15-second
spot that pre-rolls a broadband video, he said. One reason advertisers
are warming up to Web broadband content is because they can interact
with consumers.?
Market Watch: Jan. 18, 2005
The Avenue A/Razorfish report , Online Media Outlook 2005 contains
statements that are forward-looking, including expectations and
predictions regarding future industry trends and developments.
Interactive Video
?2004 was the year consumers began to truly embrace video on the Web,
and 2005 will be the year that advertisers follow. In fact, many
advertisers have already seen the important role video can play in
their advertising campaigns. Most remain in a testing phase, so
considerations like price, duration, standard formats, tracking and
reporting are still very much in flux. While a
quickly changing (and growing) video landscape should be expected, at
this time media dollars are being spent in three primary categories:
1. In-page ? Video ad within an existing, on-page ad unit.
2. In-stream ? A user requests video content and an ad is shown within
that content, either
as a pre-roll or post roll.
3. Transitional ? Seen between pages (after clicking on a link, a
video commercial is shown
before bringing up the requested page).
The introduction of MSN Video (an in-stream ad supported product) in
early 2004 was an important development in the industry. It brought
free, high-quality broadband video to the masses. The clean and
intuitive playlist format utilized by MSN gives users a measure of
control over what they watch and when they watch it. For advertisers,
it provides an attractive ad product that offers sight, sound, motion
and interactivity. Given Microsoft?s move into the living room with
the Media Center PC, MSN is clearing taking a leadership role in this
?For in-page and transitional video ads, rich media providers
(including Viewpoint/Unicast,
Pointroll, Eyewonder and KlipMart) have been leaders.?
Download the complete report here:
The following article might be of your interest:
MarketingSherpa's Quick Buyer's Guide to the Top 10 Rich Media Providers
Search terms used:
CPM for video ads OR advertising
Online video commercial cost CPM
Unicast online video commercials CPM
Online video ads cost per thousand
per CPM "online video ads?
"$25..250 CPMs" online video ads OR commercials
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |