I dislocated my left ankle in a soccer game last June '05. My ankle
twisted 90 degress counter clockwise and was put back in place in an
emergency room. A week later, an orthopedic surgeon performed a
operation on my ankle in which he made a horizontal cut of about 4
inches on the inside of my left ankle to reconstruct torn ligaments.
He also put a temporary pin on the opposite side (on the outside of
the ankle). I also broke a small fibula bone, which he didn't pay any
attention to. I was in case for 5 weeks and then the pin was removed
on mid July. After that I was on cruches and slowly started physical
therapy. I later realized that there was a 1-2 mm extra gap between
the shin bone (tibia) and the joint, which was possibly due to an
anterior torn ligament (which may have been the reason for the broken
fibula). There is still some swelling at the joint location of my
ankle, the skin is red, feels warm inside and haven't even tried
running on my foot, yet. Also, MRI of my ankle after the surgery shows
there is a small broken bone and maybe a small damage to the cartlidge
resulting from the injury.
I have seen several orthopedic surgeon and podiatrists and they all
believe due to the gap in the ankle joint, to prevent future arthritis
and ankle instability, I need to perform another surgery. Though the
fact that each of the 4 specialists I have visted has a different
opinion on how the surgery should be done worries me. They all agree
that I need to put one or two more pins in my ankle puls some clean up
of the scar tissues left after the first surgery.
My question is given my situation and the fact that I want to
eventually get back to soccer, who is the best specialist I should
consult to perform my surgery. I am located in San Francisco bay Area,
but I wouldn'y limit myself to my immediate location.
Also, what should I expect in terms of recovery for being able to get
back to the game. |