Greetings to one and all.
There are three excel spreadsheets each with 56 sheets; the 52 weeks
of the year, sheet 1, sheet 2, totals, and graphics. The 52 weeks of
the year are sandwiched between sheets 1 and 2 so that I might use the
?=(sum('1:2'!cell reference))? function.
Spreadsheet 1 represents Company A; spreadsheet 2 represents Company
B; and spreadsheet 3 represents Company C. Each company supplies
freelance staff.
On each weekly sheet there is the possibility to add the hours worked
for 8 freelance staff. Week 1 may have 8 freelance workers hours
added, whereas sheet 2 may have only 4 freelance workers hours added.
True, the names of the freelance staff may vary but that is of little
importance. Each spreadsheet is set up in the same way.
My ?totals? sheet per spreadsheet will calculate the number of hours
worked by all freelance staff supplied by a particular company; lets
say its 10 000 hours.
A fourth excel spreadsheet will sum the other three so that I will
have a total of all hours worked by all freelance staff supplied by
all three companies; lets say its 30 000 hours.
I hope you?re still with me here!
My question is this: because I might not use all 8 columns on each
sheet [but obviously a figure between 1 and 8] how can I calculate how
many people worked the 10 000 hours and therefore how many worked the
30 000 hours?
Aaa Haaa....
Sean |