I have a workbook with many sheets.
The problem i am having is that excel is not saving the last postion
where i worked last,instead it reverts back to the top of the
spreadsheet intead of a postion else where where i was working.
This makes it a real pain each time having to scroll hundreds of rows
to find where you worked last.
For examble: I do some work in sheet 1 row 1000 and then hit save,
and then go to sheet 2, then i go back to sheet 1 and the view is back
at the top of the worksheet!@#$%^% |
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Oct 2005 00:42 PDT
Try clicking "Save As" instead. Let me know if that works.
Clarification of Question by
20 Oct 2005 04:07 PDT
well yes if i click "save as" then it saves the place, so that when i
reopen the file the postion is where i left it..........but then if
after i have reopened the workbook go to an other sheet and then back
to the original sheet then the original sheet postion has changed to
back of the top of the sheet!!
The only way i have found around the problem is to have spreadsheets
with lots of data to have each a seperate workbook which is stuffed
because i want all my spreadsheets in the same workbook, all my spread
sheets are indexed through a index sheet which has hyperlinks to all
sheets in the workbook.
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Oct 2005 05:52 PDT
Hi bluekat,
How are you moving between sheets? When you are ready to switch to
another sheet, leave your cursor where you are working and use short
keys to go to another sheet.
CTRL + PgDn moves to next sheet
CTRL + PgUp moves to previous sheet
Does that help?
Clarification of Question by
20 Oct 2005 09:09 PDT
Hi Hummer and Sean,
Hummer- the page up down is no good for me because i have my system
set out similar to Sean I use a Index Page (Seans Dashboard) and from
that page i have hyper links to every sheet, thres about 300 to 400
sheets in my work book so a index page with hyper links is the only
way to find anything.
Anyway i came up against a new problem tonight - i exceed the maxium
number of formats of 4000 in a workbook !!!!! now im really crapped
So anyway to solve both problems i have had to create several extra
workbooks categories which starts making things look messy.
I dont see anywhere on the original product indicating reccomend
amount of sheets in one workbook!
I am sure whoever the original programers were for microsoft excel
seriously had no idea of what a power user would use,and i bet the
next version of the product does not fix either of these problems.
so thanks all anyway, just all confirms that the product was never design properly.