Dear Researchers,
Iam basically a Mechanical Engineer out of school and this is
my first Job in an Industry. This is also my first hands on experience
with Machinery and tools. Life till now has looked very smooth to me
and most of my work in Mechanical Engineering has been with computers
too. The problem iam right now having is, i am expected to climb on
top of Machinery, Maximum is 54' tall. The problem i have right now
is, i fear being at those heights. Last week another engineer in the
plant got caught on a Conveyor and i think that has increased my
fears too. I become shaky and feel dizzy while climbing either on
stairs and on Man lifts ( i do not drive them either). I guess that is
taking the toll outof my Job satisfaction. My heart keeps pounding
everytime i think if this is the right Job for me r if i did chose a
wrong field. Kindly help me out on this regard. I want to enjoy my
work and not repent.
What's going wrong with me??
Kindly help me |
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Oct 2005 23:51 PDT
I would strongly recommend that you seek assistance for your
phobia by the use of one of the more effective "rapid therapies"
that have been emerging in the last decade.
I worked in the field of mental health for 20+ years, and was
trained in a number of them. The one which is specific to the
symptoms you are experiencing, which are consistent with a
phobia, is called Thought Field Therapy, developed by Roger
Callahan. Its effectiveness was first proven by way of its
ability to eliminate phobias such as a fear of flying within
periods of treatment as short as 30 minutes. I used it often
in reducing the impact of traumatic memories and transforming
them into normal memories.
The TFT homepage is here:
And here is a page which can help you locate certified
practitioners around the world:
Let me know what you think...
Clarification of Question by
21 Oct 2005 00:20 PDT
Dear sublime1,
I went into the website. could not get much info about this
therapy. Wat do u suggest me? Buy a text book by Dr.Roger Callahan coz
i cannot afford time or money to get treated by a practitioner.
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2005 01:41 PDT
Did you miss the part where I noted that successful treatment
(implying permanent resolution of your phobia) could take as
little as one 30-minute session? If you choose to believe that
you can't afford that amount of time (at any realistic price),
I would submit that there is nothing that will be of any real
help to you.
Clarification of Question by
21 Oct 2005 02:04 PDT
Thanks Sublime 1 for your answer, but the real problem is none of the
trainers seem to be in my area? Do u think purchasing any of his books
would help me atleast temporarily??
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2005 02:07 PDT
You also have the option of scheduling telephone consultations
with practitioners certified in what they call Voice Technology.
Here's a page from the site which describes this process:
Certified practitioners, including Dr. Callahan are listed here:
It may still take up to a half-hour, and may cost as much as
treatment in person, but it's another viable option.
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2005 02:15 PDT
I haven't seen the books, and, while it's true that the
techniques are simple to learn and apply on your own
once you've experienced them with the assistance of a
practitioner, I would highly recommend a guided session
of some kind to initiate your use of the techniques.
An in-person session would seem to me to offer the most
useful experience, but, while I've never experienced a
phone session, I can easily see that it would not be
difficult for an experienced practitioner to guide you
through the process verbally, based on my own experience
it guiding people through the process in person.
Clarification of Question by
21 Oct 2005 03:00 PDT
Is there a way you could tell me the approximate cost in USD for this
kind of a treatment, as you said you have been doing this for a while
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2005 03:37 PDT
I worked in a non-profit organization working in the public
sector, and therefore did not charge by the type of therapy
or by the hour.
I'm sure the staff at the website would be happy to provide
you with an estimate of the costs for the various types of
the therapies available. Their contact page is here:
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Oct 2005 02:22 PDT
Actually, the EFT techniques espoused by my esteemed colleague
byrd-ga are identical to the TFT techniques pioneered by Dr.
Callahan - even the peculiar vocabulary is the same. So, if
you download the free manual, it will give you a very complete
description of TFT - accurate enough to allow you to try it
out on your own. However, I'll reiterate my contention that
at least one guided session will prove highly beneficial in
solidifying the technique in your memory.
Gary Craig has added some distinctions as to his thoughts about
how it works, and some suggested revisions of Callahan's ideas,
such as the idea that the accupoints can be tapped in any order
(which Callahan was teaching 6 years ago when I took the course),
but the essence is identical. Gary does acknowledge Dr Callahan's
"contributions" throughout his website, and even speaks to the
roots of the techniques on this page, where he mentions George
Goodheart, the chiropractor who instigated the field of applied
kinesiology, and John Diamond (an amazing man, whom I spent some
time with, and who taught me quite a bit about kinesiology), who
created the field of Behavioral Kinesiology (see his book, 'The
Body Doesn't Lie'):
"Callahan (1985) utilized muscle testing methods found in
Goodheart?s Applied Kinesiology, and John Diamond?s
Behavioral Kinesiology (Diamond, 1979) to therapy localize
(identify) which acupuncture meridians were involved in
psychological issues."
His biggest objection to the work of Dr Callahan seems to
be that he paid $100,000 to learn the secret of Voice
Technology (VT) and was disappointed with what he learned:
Perhaps it's true that Dr Callahan grew greedy and charged
potential practitioners too much for his "secrets". This
doesn't discount, for me, his right to be acknowledged for
his work, and doesn't entitle people to reveal his copyrighted
materials, nor does it prove that his practice doesn't work
or that his certified practitioners overcharge the average
person for a simple session. To me, Gary seems to be happily
riding on Dr Callahan's coattails.
Be that as it may, as I noted, you can certainly get a clear
perception of the nature of the techniques from the free
download, and may even be able to apply them successfully
on your own, but would likely benefit by a guided session.
Should you schedule a session in person or by phone, I
can't imagine that any practitioner would charge you more
than $80 for a typical 1/2 hour session, and I would expect
it to be less than that.
Let me know where this takes you...
Clarification of Question by
22 Oct 2005 14:34 PDT
Thank you byrd and sublime1
Iam planning to set up a session with one of the EFT
practitioners. Iam going through the list from the website and looking
at the practitioner that stays close to me.
Iam going to see a practitioner this week and i will let you know how
it went. Do you guys think it can be cured in one session??
Just curious
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Oct 2005 16:00 PDT
Based on my experience, I would not hesitate to say yes,
one session is typically enough to resolve the issue
producing the symptoms you've described. I fully expect
that you will be able to report your success when you
next post here.
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Nov 2005 19:09 PST
It's been awhile since we've heard from you. Since this
question is due to expire soon, it would be appropriate,
assuming you've been adequately assisted here, for you
to designate one of the responding researchers to post
an official answer. Of course, we're also curious how
your fared.