Request for Question Clarification by
23 Oct 2005 13:20 PDT
I hope you get an answer from a researcher who is knowledgable about
both horses and fertilizer. I am neither of these things, and I am
posting my thoughts simiply as as observations -- you are not being
charged for this.
I would be quite surprised if the fertilizer posed any danger to the
animals a month or more after application.
First off, the fertilizer mimics animal manure, so I wouldn't think
the horses are being exposed to very mcu that they haven't encountered
Yes, the quantities may differ by a good deal, and that can certainly
be enought to pose a possible danger. But 4-6 weeks after application
and seeding, I would think that so much of the nutrients have been
taken up by plants, run off with rain water, converted to gassses, or
otherwise made unavailable, that the exposure to the horses would not
be anything near what it might be from freshly-applied manure.
Again, this is simply conjecture on my part, so take it with a grain
of salt, or some other farm-related commodity.
But let us know a bit more about the nature of your concerns and,
again, hopefully someone else can dive in here with a bit more of a
definitive response.
All the best,