Hello rob_ena,
According to Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome
Research Institute, the average length of a doctor's visit is now less
than 20 minutes.
?While 96 percent of people think knowing such history is important to
their health, only about a third have ever tried to catalog the
information, according to a study for the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in August.
The average doctor's visit is 20 minutes, which is too short to
interview a patient, record three generations of medical history,
assess disease risks and chart courses of action, said geneticist
Francis S. Collins.
"Family history is central to taking advantage of the new genomic
medicine, which is bubbling up all around us," said Collins, director
of the National Human Genome Research Institute who was a leader of
the Human Genome Project.?
WTHN: November 2004
A typical patient-physician encounter takes 15- or 20-minutes
Patient-Physician Communication: Why and How
JAOA ? Vol 105 ? No 1 ? January 2005 ? 13-18
John M. Travaline, MD; Robert Ruchinskas, PsyD; Gilbert E. D'Alonzo, Jr, DO
From How to create quality time with your patients:
?Despite what doctors think, between 1989 and 1998 the average length
of an office visit increased from 16.3 minutes to 18 minutes.?
?The average time spent with patients in initial visits where longer
appointments would be expected increased from 24.4 minutes in 1990 to
26.4 minutes in 1997.?
Chiropractic Economics
How to create quality time with your patients
By Linda S. Crawford, JD
Read Abstract here:
Are Patients' Office Visits with Physicians Getting Shorter?
David Mechanic, Ph.D., Donna D. McAlpine, M.A., and Marsha Rosenthal,
M.A. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/344/3/198
Search terms used:
"Average time spent? primary care physician
average length of a doctor's visit
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |