Hi jdrusse,
Thank you for an interesting question and also for accepting my findings.
In addition to what I posted in the clarification box, at the same site:
The average man/woman...
(via Mens Health Magazine)
had these statistics listed...
Floor exercises Number of pushups the average man can do with good
form* in 1 minute:
Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Pushups 33 27 21 15 15
Pounds the average 175-pound man (aka : average weight, average height
is 5'9 1/2) can bench-press one time:
Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Lb 180 158 143 128 116
Number of situps the average man can do in 1 minute:
Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Situps 40 36 31 26 20
Time it takes the average American man to run 1.5 miles:
Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Time 12:18 12:51 13:53 14:55 16:07
Age when the average guy is in the best shape of his life: 23
Percentage of men who consider themselves "physically fit": 69
Percentage who actually are: 13 Time it takes the average guy to run a
mile: 8 minutes, 34 seconds Amount he can bench-press: 135 pounds
Number of situps he can do: 36 Pushups: 27 Pullsups: 1 Percentage of
men who would never skip another workout if... ...they could build
twice the muscle with half the effort: 40 ...women began wearing
see-through spandex: 16 Size of the average guy's biceps: 13 inches
Size of his chest: 40 inches Size of his waist: 34 inches The part of
a man's body that's the biggest turn-on for the average woman: His
butt The part the average guy spends the most time trying to develop:
His chest Time period when the typical gym is least crowded: 10 am to
11:30am Percentage of men who don't belong in a gym: 88 Exercise
equipment the average guy is most likely to own: Dumbbells Number of
men who have used their stationary bike in the past week: 1 in 3
Number who haven't hopped on the thing in at least 3 months: 1 in 6
Percentage of men who use their fitness equipment as... ...a place to
hang their clothes: 45 ...a doorstop: 13 ...a weapon: 8 Amount of
muscle the average sedentary guy loses each year: 1 pound Fat he gains
each year: 1.1 pounds Resting heart rate of a fit man: 52 beats per
minute (BPM) Resting heart rate of a man who's out of shape: 72 BPM
Time it takes a fit man to log 8,000,000 heartbeats: 30 years Time it
takes an out-of-shape man: 19 years Amount the average 40-year-old man
would save each year in medical costs if he exercised regularly: $949
Average cost of a 1-year gym membership: $648 His net profit: $301
Number of men who would rather work out than have sex: 1 in 7
Percentage of men (and women) who think that gyms are pickup joints:
In addtion, please scroll to middle of page to the gray and black chart for
Professional Firefighter Strength Standards
One Repetition Maximum (1-RM)
[see chart]
The standards are part of the "Professional Firefighter Profiles"
validated physical evaluation.
Below that, see Fitness Assessment - Exercise Physiologist
According to a study 50% of men in their twenties are able to squat
over 185 lbs and 10% over 250 lbs. For benchpress the corresponding
figures are 135 lbs and 170 lbs and for deadlift 210 lbs and 245 lbs.
[see chart]
And, from my clarification I'll repost...
height = 5'10 - 6'
weight = 160 - 180 lbs.
bench press (5x) = 125 - 175 lbs.
deadlift (5x) = 150 - 200 lbs.
squat (5x) = 175 - 225 lbs.
bicep curl (5x double) = 60 - 80 lbs.
bicep curl (5x single) = 30 - 40 lbs.
Jorge wrote:
Just for comparison purposes I would like to post my lifting numbers
and you can post yours too if you want to. These are the maximum
numbers where I train My strongest part is my calves and legs overall.
Weight: 200 lbs,
Height: 5'10, 15% body fat
flat bench : 195 lbs (45+25+5+bar) 2 reps
incline: 75 lbs dumbells 5 reps
military press 105 lbs. (35+bar) 6 reps
dumbell press 60 lb. dumbells 6 reps
preachers curl: 85 lbs (35+ez bar) 5 reps
dumbell curls: 50 lb. dumbells 5 reps
flat bench reverse tricep extention with ez bar (what the hell do you
call this excersice???) 100 lbs. (35+5+2.5+ez bar) 5 reps
behind back lat pull down: 190 lbs 4 reps
reverse grip lat pull down: 210 lbs. 4 reps
one handed flat bench dumbell pull up: 90 lbs 5 reps
Squat: 245 lbs (2 45s+10+bar) 5 reps
leg extentions: 250 lbs 7 reps
leg press: 630 lbs. (7 45s a side) 7 reps
855 lbs (495 lbs on machine + 8 45s added on top) 7 reps
hamstring curls 80 lbs 10 reps"
keyword search:
averages weight lifting statistics
weight lifting stats
how much can the average person exercise weightlift
Best regards,
tlspiegel |