C. H. Spurgeon, who said about Calvin ?The old truth that Calvin
preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth
that I must preach to-day, or else be false to my conscience and my
On Salvation:
C. H. Spurgeon:
?A Free Salvation?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0199.htm
Christ is a great Saviour; and however great your sin, his mercy is
greater than that. He invites you simply as a sinner. Be you big or
little, he bids you come to him and take his salvation "without money
and without price."
?Your Own Salvation?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/1003.htm
?The Way of Salvation?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0209.htm
Audio Online: http://www.mountzion.org/audio/spu-0209.ram
What a great word that word "salvation" is! It includes the cleansing
of our conscience from all past guilt, the delivery of our soul from
all those propensities to evil which now so strongly predominate in
us; it takes in, in fact, the undoing of all that Adam did. Salvation
is the total restoration of man from his fallen estate; and yet it is
something more than that, for God's salvation fixes our standing more
secure than it was before we fell. It finds us broken in pieces by the
sin of our first parent, defiled, stained, accursed: it first heals
our wounds, it removes our diseases, it takes away our curse, it puts
our feet upon the rock Christ Jesus, and having thus done, at last it
lifts our heads far above all principalities. and powers, to be
crowned for ever with Jesus Christ, the King of heaven. Some people,
when they use the word "salvation," understand nothing more by it than
deliverance from hell and admittance into heaven. Now, that is not
salvation: those two things are the effects of salvation. We are
redeemed from hell because we are saved, and we enter heaven because
we have been saved beforehand. Our everlasting state is the effect of
salvation in this life.
?God Alone, The Salvation of His People?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0080.htm
Audio Online: http://www.mountzion.org/audio/spu-0080.ram
We shall notice, first, the great doctrine, that God only is our
salvation; secondly, the great experience, to know and to learn that
"he only is my rock and my salvation"; and, thirdly, the great duty,
which you may guess at, which is, to give all the glory and all the
honor, and place all our faith on him who "only is our rock and our
?Salvation to the Uttermost?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0084.htm
Audio Online: http://www.mountzion.org/audio/spu-0084.ram
In the first place, we are told who they are who will be saved, "them
that come into God by Jesus Christ;" in the second place we are told
the extent of the Saviour's ability to save, "He is able to save to
the uttermost;" and in the third place, we have the reason given why
he can save, "seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
?Things that Accompany Salvation?
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0152.htm
Audio Online: http://www.mountzion.org/audio/spu-0152.ram
When the Apostle speaks of virtues and of graces, he calls them
"things that accompany Salvation," not things which cause it. Our
faith does not cause Salvation, nor our hope, nor our love, nor our
good works; they are things which attend it as its guard of honor. The
origin of Salvation lies alone in the sovereign will of God the
Father; in the infinite efficacy of the blood of Jesus?God the Son,
and in the divine influence of God the Holy Spirit. There are,
however, "things that accompany Salvation."
On Heaven:
C. H. Spurgeon
Print: http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0056.htm
Audio Online: http://www.mountzion.org/audio/spu-0056.ram
Heaven?then, what is it? First, what is it not? It is not a heaven of
the SENSES?"Eye hath not seen it." |