I?m looking for the detailed statistical information, for the latest
five-year period, on medical insurance claims of the United States
1. Please show total medical claims by dollar amount category and the
percent of total claims falling in that dollar category.
Claims Amount
From To Percent of Total Claims in This Category
$0 $999 NN.NN%
$1,000 $4,999 ?
$5,000 $9,999 ?
$10,000 $24,999 ?
$25,000 $49,999 ?
$50,000 $99,000 ?
$100,000 $249,999 ?
$250,000 $499,999 ?
$500,000 $999,999 ?
$1,000,000 $2,999,999 ?
$3,000,000 $5,999,999 ?
$6,000,000 And above ?
2. Starting at the $50,000 level and continuing through the 6 million
level, please show the top five medical conditions that produce the
highest dollar amount of claims for EACH dollar category in the chart above.
3. Finally, for the condition Myasthenia Gravis, please show what
percent of TOTAL claims are caused by that condition.
3a. Of the total Myasthenia Gravis claims, please provide a
breakdown by age AT ONSET, of what the average claim is, expressed in
Example: ?The condition Myasthenia Gravis, is responsible for X% of
total claims submitted for the Five-year period ending xx/xx/xxxx. The
average Myasthenia Gravis claim between the ages (at onset) of;
Birth ? Age 25 is $40,000.
Age 26 ? 35 it is $48,000."
(Continuing through the oldest age data is available for.)
I?m sure there will be some questions pertaining to this request so
please contact me as needed for clarification.
Thank you.
Nunzio |