Request for Question Clarification by
25 Oct 2005 19:04 PDT
Hello, waronapathy-ga!
Do any of the following references help? I have found very little in
relation to your specific questions, but the following articles might
shed some light on other aspects of involvement and help you to draw
some conclusions of your own.
Let me know what you think, and whether these come close to fitting the bill.
From the Council of Independent Colleges.
(see charts on the website)
Fact 1 - Academic Clubs and Activities
Independent college alumni surveyed were more likely than public
university graduates to have participated in academic clubs and
activities (47 percent vs. 36 percent).
Fact 2 - Music or Theatre
Independent college alumni surveyed are nearly twice as likely as
public university graduates to have been involved in music or theater
performances (29 percent vs. 16 percent).
Fact 3 - Campus Publications or Student Government
Independent college alumni surveyed are more than twice as likely as
public university graduates to have been involved in campus
publications or student government (28 percent vs. 13 percent).
Fact 4 - Leadership in Student Activities
Independent college alumni surveyed are more likely than public
university graduates to have taken a leadership role in a
co-curricular activity (63 percent vs. 50 percent
Fact 5 - Community Service
Independent college alumni surveyed are more likely than public
university graduates to have volunteered or performed community
service (54 percent vs. 45 percent).
Fact 6 - Involvement in Campus Community
Students at independent colleges and universities are more involved in
activities that positively impact their campus and community. For
example, students at independent colleges are more likely to vote in
student elections than students at public four-year universities (81
percent vs. 70 percent).
Fact 7 - Likelihood of Volunteering
Fifty-two percent of independent college students volunteer, compared
with only 41 percent of public university students and 22 percent of
all U.S. citizens 16 to 24 years old.
(About the sources of data:
A summary of findings from the 2004 report from NSSE titled "Student
Engagement: Pathways to Collegiate Success, can be found on the
Indiana University website. The report is based on information from
163,000 first-year and senior students at 472 different four-year
colleges and universities.
A similar study concerning Community College students is summarized on
the University of Texas website:
"Survey findings indicate that community students typically are very
busy, and, in contrast to traditional college students, they are
unlikely to linger at campus for study sessions or social interaction
with students and faculty. They attend class then must leave for jobs,
families, and community obligations."
* According to the CCSSE, 84 percent of community college students
never participate in college-sponsored extra-curricular activities.
"These realities collide with evidence showing that "engagement"
contributes to college success. Research shows that the more actively
engaged students are - with college faculty and staff, with other
students, with the subject matter they are studying - the more likely
they are to learn and persist in achieving their academic goals."
"New Study of College Students Finds Connection Between Spirituality,
Religiousness, and Mental Health." Spirituality in Higher Education.
"Students choose community service over politics, Harvard study
reports," by Daniel Lipsky-Karasz.