Many years ago...maybe 10-15 I saw a movie that scared the crap out of
me. I was young but I would like to try to re-live that moment since
it is really the only movie that ever really scared me (most likely
because I was too young to be watching scary movies). The only parts I
can remember are as follows:
1) There was a man who had just moved into a new house, and I think in a new town.
2) He kept having either visions, or hearing things, and he finally
got fed up with it and tried to figure out where it was coming from.
3) He ended up knocking down part of a wall in the upper floor of his
house. It led to a hidden attic.
4) In the attic their was a bathtub with a boy in it.
5) This boy haunted the man while he lived in the house.
6) The last thing I remember was one scene where the man was answering
the door and he looked up the main stairway and saw the boy at the top
of the stairs just staring at him.
7) Actually I think that later on in the movie the guy finds the
remains of the boy in a well or something. I think there was a
necklace the boy wore too....I can't remember though.
Hopefully someone saw this movie and can help me out. I would love to
find a copy of it. |
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2005 09:15 PDT
Unfortunately, no, it is not "The Other". It looks like the lead role
in The Other is that of a woman. The lead role in the movie I speak of
is a man. I don't recall if the boy ever actually speaks in this
movie. He is in the bathtub (dead). But he haunts this man as a ghost.
Thank you for the attempt though! :-)
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2005 09:55 PDT
Was it "Knocking on Death's Door" (1998)? It's about a couple who
move into a house that's haunted by a boy. According to a previous
customer's description, the boy's body is eventually found under water
tied to a rocking horse.
What do you think?
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2005 13:39 PDT
I believe you are remembering "The Changeling," an excellent ghost
story which starred George C. Scott. Does this sound like your movie?
"He rents a very large mansion to 'be alone for awhile.' It isn't long
before ghostly things begin to happen: the water pipes bang every
morning at 6:00 am, the piano plays notes by itself and doors open and
close for no reason. One night John returns home to find the bathtub
filling up with water. As he stops it, he sees a brief apparition of
someone under the water. His suspicions are further aroused when he
opens a locked door to reveal a dusty old room containing a child's
notebook and a small wooden wheelchair. He starts inquiring about the
disturbing occurrences to Claire Norman, a woman from the local
historical society and together they research the house's past. When
John discovers that the daughter of a previous owner was run over and
killed by a coal truck, he feels that the spirit is trying to
communicate with him.
With the help of the University's Psychic department (?!), John sets
up a seance with an expert medium. She asks questions, and the spirit
guides her hand to write the answers. John also tapes the sessions
with his reel-to-reel. It is discovered that the entity is not the
young girl, but in fact a boy named Joseph Carmichael. Not much else
is revealed until John plays back the tape and hears a ghostly voice
whisper answers to his questions. John listens and through flashbacks
the audience sees how a young boy was drowned in the tub by his
After a little more research, John makes a connection with the current
Senator, whose name happens to be Joe Carmichael. He finds Joe's
father's ranch, and gets permission to dig under the floor of the
house to uncover a lost well. After digging, John finds small skeletal
remains and a medallion that says 'Joseph Carmichael'."
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2005 16:31 PDT
pinkfreud I think thats the one I am talking about! You are
awesome...I just found a nostalgic video store in my area that has it
in stock...I'm going to rent it tonight! Thank you so much. Please
post that as your official answer so that I can pay you.
Thank you again