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Q: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
Category: Health
Asked by: pablov-ga
List Price: $51.00
Posted: 30 Oct 2005 02:16 PST
Expires: 29 Nov 2005 02:16 PST
Question ID: 586641
I am trying to find the number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
In other words  I want to know how many practitioner of each technique
are in U.S : (Alexander technique, acupuncture, chiropractor  and
Answer 1
The answer I would like  to get would be in numbers:
There are 300,000 alternative medicine practitioners. 
Best answer
I also would like to get the number of each technique.
There are 300,000 alternative medicine practitioners in total, 100,000
acupuncturists, 200,000 chiropractors and 100,000

Request for Question Clarification by politicalguru-ga on 06 Nov 2005 01:42 PST
Dear Pablov, 

How would you define "alternative medicine"? What techniques would be included?

Clarification of Question by pablov-ga on 06 Nov 2005 02:53 PST

Thanks for getting interested in my question

The alternative medicine practitioners term is quite vague.
So I know that the number I  can get is only estimation.

This is a list of alternative medicine practices:

Alexander Technique
Anthroposophically Extended Med
Anti-Aging Medicine
>Art Therapy
>Bio-Oxidative Therapies
>Biofield Therapies
>Cell Treatment
>Chelation Therapy
>Counseling and Prayer
>Dance Therapy
>Dentistry (Holistic)
>Electromagnetic Fields
>Emergency Medicine
4>Environmental Medicine
>Feldenkrais Method
>Gerson Therapy
>Guided Imagery
>Herbal Medicine
>Humor Therapy
>Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
>Massage Therapy
>Metabolic Therapy
>Native American
>Native Latin American
>Naturopathic Medicine
1>Neural Therapy
>Neuromagnetic Stimulation
>Nutritional Medicine
>Oriental Medicine
>Ozone Therapy
>Preventive Medicine
>Relaxation Therapy
>Sound & Music Therapy
>Sports Medicine
>Therapeutic Radiology
>Therapeutic Touch
4>Tibetan Medicine
>Trager Method
>Zone Therapy
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
From: scissorhand-ga on 11 Nov 2005 00:23 PST
I think the research required on this may be worth more than $16
Subject: Re: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
From: pablov-ga on 11 Nov 2005 01:00 PST
what is the apropriate amount?

I tought that the number is "outthere" and no "digging" is needed.

but I am willing to change the bid for a more logical if you can
provide  an answer.

Subject: Re: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
From: scissorhand-ga on 11 Nov 2005 01:37 PST
Registerted or licensed practitioners would be on lists. The scope of
therapies is such that no database is in place to encompass all. Many
of the therapies listed do not have licensed or registered
practitioners. Many more therapies exist than those listed. I doubt an
answer is out ther at all
Subject: Re: Number of alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S
From: pablov-ga on 11 Nov 2005 02:50 PST
is 50$ good enough?

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