Dear skacity-ga,
According to their web page titled ?Green Party Ballot Status and
Voter Registration Totals? the ?Total Registered Greens Nationwide? is
(in 23 States and the District of Columbia*, as of 09/09/05)
Additional sources of information on the site:
April 05, 2004
?There are over 300,000 members of the Green Party in the United
States today. That's nearly twice our membership just three years ago.
December 23, 2003
?The Green Party of the United States holds ballot lines in 21 states
and D.C., affiliates in 43 states, over 300,000 registered members,
and over 200 officials serving in elected office."
December 8, 2003
?The number of Americans registered in the Green Party has topped
300,000, with 302,120 in 22 states according to Ballot Access News."
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
Search strategy "over * members"
://*+members%22&btnG=Search 300000..400000
:// |