According to a photo catalogue of merchant ships, a picture of the
USCGC Chelan, renamed HMS Lulworth, can be found on page 50 of "This
Was Seafaring".
"Ship Photo Catalogue: C1" [scroll to entry for "Chelan" near bottom
of page]
Merchant Fleets [Google Cache]
This book, by Ralph W. Andrews and Harry A. Kirwin, is apparently out
of print, but can be obtained from some used book shops (such as zShops) and public libraries (such as the Library of
Another book which might possibly have a picture of the
Chelan/Lulworth is "World War II Lend-Lease U.S. Coast Guard Cutters
to England, Lake Class", by Duane D. Borchers, Sr. This book is
available here:
"Books: Naval History, Military History" [scroll about 3/4 down page]
The Maryland Silver Company
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"hms lulworth"
chelan lulworth |