Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a
difference. An Athletic Association runs and maintains a sports
program at a school and a Booster Booster Club supports that program
or, in most cases, specific teams within an athletics program. So, for
example, the University of Georgia Athletic Association
(http://georgiadogs.ocsn.com/) encompasses all of the university's
athletic programs while the cheerleading squad's booster club
("dedicated to recognizing, honoring and supporting the UGA
Cheerleaders" http://www.uga.edu/cheer/ugacheers.htm) is focused on
just that aspect of athletics at the school. The same is true of the
University of Rhode Island
(http://gorhody.ocsn.com/riraa/affiliate-booster-groups.html) and many
other educational institutions.
There are small private schools (for example
http://www.stjohnschool.com/AthleticAssociation/AAN.html) which have
both an Athletic Association and a Booster Club. As you can see from
evcen this small institution example, is the responsibility of members
of the organization. A Booster Club provides emotional and financial
support to a team or program and an Athletic Association provides
that, plus management and oversight.
Search terms used: Athletic Association" AND "booster club"
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