Would appreciate (and tip well for) a FAST answer to this question.
I have the impression that many more executives today, instead of having
speeches written for them, are developing their own PowerPoint presentations
and presenting from their own slides to their employee audiences.
is there any way you can FIND ... or at least infer ... some statistics on the
rise of PowerPoint in the workplace ... and its usage by more and more
computer-literate executives?
will be grateful for whatever insight/specific info you can provide.
thank you! |
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 07:50 PST
Hi Mike!
Unfortunately I didn?t find very much information. Please take a look
at my findings and let me know if this material would be helpful for
Business Presentations Survey
According to findings of a recent poll conducted by Geetesh Bajaj of
Indezine and Claudyne Wilder of Wilder Presentations, 61 percent of
professionals say they will make between one and thirty presentations
this year -- two-thirds of whom expect to deliver 30 presentations or
more by year?s end.
?Only 22% are very satisfied with their presentations.?
?42% said 10 to 20% of their presentations were a waste of time.?
?58% of presenters spend over 3 hours organizing content for each
thirty-minute presentation.?
?52% said they could save from 45 minutes to 3 hours if given outlines
for specific types of presentations.?
?67% are not provided these outlines by their company time is spent
deciding what to put in presentations.?
?58 percent of the professionals surveyed said they spend more than
three hours for each 30 minute talk.?
?61% of those surveyed who use canned templates sometime or always redo them.?
?60 percent of our respondents said they could save between one to
three hours if they did not have to redo the company presentations.?
You may view all the charts here:
Survey: business presentations are boring
According to a survey by Infommersion of 382 business managers, some
71 percent of respondents said that they have fallen asleep or been
sleepy during an ?uninteresting? presentation,
?43 percent of respondents have caught other people dozing.?
?The most difficult types of presentations to remain fully awake
through were individual speeches (35 percent), followed by training
sessions (23 percent) and then general meetings (16 percent)?.
?Survey participants agreed that the most important ingredient for
success was an ?animated and enthusiastic? speaker (51 percent), with
an ?interesting and interactive? presentation gaining 36 percent of
the votes. Finally, 3 percent of those polled said it helped if the
presenter was ?good looking.?
EE Times :10/31/2005
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 08:18 PST
"According to Microsoft estimates, Microsoft Office is installed on
over 400 million PCs around the world and about 30 million PowerPoint
presentations are made every day. Our survey suggests that over 40% of
these presentations annoy their audience. If you translate this into
dollar terms, in an organisation where 10 presentations are made
daily, poorly done presentations can result in a waste of time worth
$450,000 a year"
"Often, presentations for senior managers and CEOs are made by their
executive assistants. So they don't see the slides till they are
actually on stage."
Clarification of Question by
03 Nov 2005 10:04 PST
hi there ... it's very nice to hear from you again.
unfortunately, to be honest, the information isn't really
what i need.
here's my FANTASY, okay?
"XX% of executives who used to deliver scripted speeches and presentations,
now deliver some of their presentations w/ PPT instead ... speaking informally
from the PPT slides they or their assistants have created.
"XX% of executives who used to rely on scripted speeches
now rely on informal PPT presentations YY% of the time.
"XX% of executives use scripts much more rarely than X years ago,
because they're now delivering informally from PPTs instead."
Okay, that's my fantasy/"dream" answer.
Are you saying, from what you've tried to do (or maybe will try
before replying again?) that you believe the question is, in effect,
unanswerable??? Can you get any CLOSER do you think?
as always, i appreciate your efforts.
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 10:08 PST
Hi Mike,
I don't think this question is unanswerable, I just haven't uncovered
relevant information yet.
I'll try again and let you know if I find anything useful.
In any case this question is open and that way other researchers can
try to answer it.
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 12:45 PST
Hello again Mike,
I have been researching your question and have only found a few
tidbits of information. I?m sorry I could not find the precise
information you asked for.
Best regards,
?Over 75% of business executives use Microsoft PowerPoint to make
their business presentations.?
The Presentation Team
Over the last ten years PowerPoint has replaced overhead projectors
and slides as the presentation tool of choice. It allows users to
project text, graphics, animation and audio from their laptops which
greater precision and clarity than any of the traditional media.
ABC Radio National
The Buzz Absolute PowerPoint
Monday 17 March 2003 http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/buzz/stories/s808746.htm
??Major players of large organizations where PowerPoint has replaced
the written word as the predominant way of communicating information.?
Presenters University
?PowerPoint has replaced transparencies, slides, filmstrips, and
blackboards. PowerPoint is used in most industrial situations.?
School of Information Studies: Florida State University
Clarification of Question by
30 Nov 2005 04:43 PST
to both of the researchers who've responded ...
i can see that i won't get any FURTHER answers,
and what i'd like to do is to split the original
payment between the 2 of you.
is that possible to do somehow?
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Nov 2005 05:36 PST
Hi Mike!
Only official Google Answers Researchers can receive payment.
Knickers-ga is not an official Google Answers Researcher so we would
not be able to split the original fee.
Shall I post in the answer box anyway even though we can't share the payment?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
30 Nov 2005 09:16 PST
sure -- i == appreciated == knickers' contribution,
but since you're "official", YOU get the payment.
please do whatever you need to do to close out the question and get the payment.
I very much appreciate the personal experience ... sincerely, thank you.
but for my particular purposes, i'm afraid that won't do.
perhaps this will clarify... i'm not talking about small conference
room meetings or training breakouts. i'm talking about what in the
meetings business are called, "General Sessions" ...everyone together
in a ballroom.
The typical mode in the past has been (when the audience was large
enough, and the agenda tight enough in terms of available time)
SCRIPTED speeches, typically on teleprompter. The question -- i.e.,
MY question at the moment -- is ... is there any bead, any software
industry info, on any trend AWAY from scripted "speeches" toward the
executive no longer at the podium, but now more loosely and informally
speaking from PPTS ... WITHOUT a script.
maybe this question is unanswerable. maybe co's like microsoft have
their research but keep it secret.
i love google answers (hence my long trail of questions asked) and i
love the spirit of helpfulness in the researchers. maybe THIS time,
for the FIRST time, i've asked a question for which there is no "data"
beyond personal experiences?
anyway, knickers, thanks again for the comment, and of course also to
one of my steady, reliable sources over time, bobbie7.
mike |