I would like to know if there are any premier Business Schools
offering a MBA program with specialisation in Sports Management ?
We hear that Harvard is popular for it's General Management, NYU
Stern for it's Finance program. Similarly are there any business
schools that have a program specially geared toward Sports Management
? One that would study IMG Academies, NBA, Olympics etc from a
business perspective.
Please answer with the following details,
. Name and details of the business school.
. Brief description of the curriculum to emphasize Sports Management.
. What are the pros/cons of this specialised program.
. Any other details that would further explain this stream of Management.
Thanks & I appreciate all your help.
RR |
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 11:46 PST
Hello rr1234-ga,
My preliminary research found some MBA programs in Sports Management.
They are not from universities of the caliber of Harvard or NYU.
Please clarify the importance of your request for "premier Business
Schools" as one of the elements of the answer for this question. I
look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
03 Nov 2005 12:42 PST
Hello czh,
Thanks for responding to my questions.
By "premier" Business schools I did refer to the Ivy league
schools. I found that Stanford does offer some programs like
Sports Business Management
Sports Business Financing and
Sports Marketing
On similar lines, I would be interested to know about programs
offered by other schools that feature in atleast the Top-50 on
Business School Rankings.
Thanks for your time and I hope I did clarify your doubt.
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Nov 2005 13:27 PST
Hello again rr1234-ga,
I'm still not quite clear on the scope of your question. The Stanford
MBA program does not offer a specialized MBA in Sports Management. It
seems to offer electives and professional clubs in sports management.
Are you looking for similar programs (not full-fledged majors) at
other elite schools?
MBA Students Sign up for Front Office #560
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
03 Nov 2005 14:16 PST
Hi czh,
Thanks for clarifying that for me. I was under the impression that
Stanford did offer full-fledged Sports Management programs.
I am looking for full-fledged programs (if any available). The
next best would be some information about elective Sports Programs
offered by the Top-50 business schools.
I would list the scope (priority) as follows,
1. Full-Fledged Sports Programs offered by Top-50 schools
2. Electives offered by Top-50 schools.
3. If there are no full-fledged programs at the Top-50 schools,
inform about any other schools that do offer them.
Hope this clarifies.