Please note that I am not an expert in Texas law, and that Google
Answers cannot provide professional legal advice. I can only tell you
the results of my research.
According to the Texas Administrative Code, it appears the period of
"three days" for a therapeutic home visit can be very close to four
"Days are defined as 24-hour periods extending from midnight to
midnight. In determining days of absence from a facility, the first
day is the first 24-hour period beginning at midnight after the
recipient's departure."
"RULE §19.2603: Therapeutic Home Visits Away from the Facility"
Texas Administrative Code [under Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 19,
Subchapter AA]$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=40&pt=1&ch=19&rl=2603
So in other words, if a nursing facility resident left at (for
example) 12:01 AM on Sept. 26, the first "day" of leave would be Sept.
27, the second day Sept. 28, and the third day Sept. 29. So the total
leave would be just under -- in this example, one minute under -- four
Again, since I cannot provide professional advice on Texas law, you
should check with the nursing facility, the Texas Department of Human
Services, and/or a lawyer admitted to legal practice in Texas in order
to confirm the rules for leave.
- justaskscott-ga
Search strategy:
Browsed Title 40, Part 1, of Texas Administrative Code ($ext.viewtac ).
Found two chapters (18 and 19) relating to nursing facilities.
Found two subchapters (E and F) relating to resident's rights under
Chapter 19.
Found rule (§19.503) relating to bed-hold policy under Subchapter F.
Found reference to Rule §19.2603 under Rule §19.503.
Went back to Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 19, and browsed again until I
found Rule §19.2603. |