This has bugged me for a while, and I know at one time I've seen the
answer somewhere. In the movie, how many times does Phil repeat
Groundhog Day? I think the answer I remember was somewhere in the
neighborhood of 10 years. After a bit of searching, I've come up with
various answers, from 42 days (not even remotely reasonable - my guess
is someone just counted the number shown) to 100s of years. This would
have to be a large number, to account for the piano, the ice
sculpting, and at the least the number of dates to learn all the info
about Rita.
One of several searches I tried was ""groundhog day" ramis repeats",
which had this as a high result:
This is the type of answer I'd like, if possibe. Something where
either Ramis, Murray, or the writer gave a comment on the repeats. Not
necessarily difinitive, but a good source. |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Nov 2005 11:00 PST
Hi vegasfyr,
Please let me know if the following answers your question:
"According to Harold Ramis, the co-writer and director, the original
script called for him to endure 10,000 years in Punxsutawney, but it
was probably closer to ten."
"On the DVD Harold Ramis states that the original idea was for him to
live February 2nd for about 10,000 years. Later he says that Phil
probably lived the same day for about 10 years."
"The writer estimated 10 years worth, though the original script
called for 10,000 years worth of Feb. 2s..."
Waiting to hear your views.
Best regards,